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Personal Village, How to Have People in Your Life by Choice, Not Chance

Tekijä: Marvin Thomas

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
33-738,123 (3.33)-
Your most valuable asset is the people in your life. Does this sound familiar? You are so busy you don't have time for your friends. You get sick and no one shows up to help or express concern. You want someone in your life who really cares and knows who you are. You experience quick encounters as exciting, but at the end of the day you are still lonely. From your family to members of your congregation, to the people who deliver your mail or serve your coffee each morning, every person you know, every person you see is a part of your Personal Village. With this insightful, funny and approachable book as your guide, you can master the skills of getting closer with the people around you, of having people in your life by choice, not by chance. Too much is written about how to make money too little is written about how to strengthen our personal communities, according to respected relationship therapist, Marv Thomas. To combat the many dehumanizing effects of 21st century life,… (lisätietoja)

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Your most valuable asset is the people in your life. Does this sound familiar? You are so busy you don't have time for your friends. You get sick and no one shows up to help or express concern. You want someone in your life who really cares and knows who you are. You experience quick encounters as exciting, but at the end of the day you are still lonely. From your family to members of your congregation, to the people who deliver your mail or serve your coffee each morning, every person you know, every person you see is a part of your Personal Village. With this insightful, funny and approachable book as your guide, you can master the skills of getting closer with the people around you, of having people in your life by choice, not by chance. Too much is written about how to make money too little is written about how to strengthen our personal communities, according to respected relationship therapist, Marv Thomas. To combat the many dehumanizing effects of 21st century life,

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