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Raising Children To Love Their Neighbors: Practical Resources for Congregations

Tekijä: Carolyn C. Brown

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Read the Introduction Does your congregation want to raise more mission-minded children? Here are practical plans with reproducible activities and outlines for classroom and service experiences for children ages 3 to 12. Carolyn Brown offers great "how to" plans that churches can build into their current programs. She includes : a hands-on enrichment curriculum for grades 1-5; over a year of monthly service projects for preschoolers; mini-workshops for teachers; and newsletters blurbs about the program. "Carolyn Brown has written a 'must read' book for all parents and teachers. I know of no other book that presents so clearly, helpfully, and persuasively Jesus' mandate to raise children to "love our neighbors as ourselves." More than a mandate, it offers dozens of doable, practical suggestions for each age group and grade level. I will recommend this book to every teacher and parent in my church." --Rev. Dr. Donald L. Griggs, author of Teaching Today's Teacher to Teach  published by Abingdon Press (item #9780687049547) From the Circuit Rider review: "Teachers, parents, Sunday school teachers, and church preschool teachers are all very familiar with the importance of teaching children to share, to take turns, to say "please" and "thank you," and to not hurt others' feelings.  Veteran Christian educator Carolyn Brown puts this important formation into the larger context of the mission of the church.  How do our children grow in compassion?  How can we lead them to leave the world better than they found it?  How do we raise mission-minded children?" (Click here to read the entire review.)… (lisätietoja)

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Read the Introduction Does your congregation want to raise more mission-minded children? Here are practical plans with reproducible activities and outlines for classroom and service experiences for children ages 3 to 12. Carolyn Brown offers great "how to" plans that churches can build into their current programs. She includes : a hands-on enrichment curriculum for grades 1-5; over a year of monthly service projects for preschoolers; mini-workshops for teachers; and newsletters blurbs about the program. "Carolyn Brown has written a 'must read' book for all parents and teachers. I know of no other book that presents so clearly, helpfully, and persuasively Jesus' mandate to raise children to "love our neighbors as ourselves." More than a mandate, it offers dozens of doable, practical suggestions for each age group and grade level. I will recommend this book to every teacher and parent in my church." --Rev. Dr. Donald L. Griggs, author of Teaching Today's Teacher to Teach  published by Abingdon Press (item #9780687049547) From the Circuit Rider review: "Teachers, parents, Sunday school teachers, and church preschool teachers are all very familiar with the importance of teaching children to share, to take turns, to say "please" and "thank you," and to not hurt others' feelings.  Veteran Christian educator Carolyn Brown puts this important formation into the larger context of the mission of the church.  How do our children grow in compassion?  How can we lead them to leave the world better than they found it?  How do we raise mission-minded children?" (Click here to read the entire review.)

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