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Tulokset Google Booksista

Pikkukuvaa napsauttamalla pääset Google Booksiin.


Beginning Fedora: From Novice to Professional

Tekijä: Shashank Sharma, Keir Thomas

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Beginning Fedora: From Novice to Professional guides you through the tasks most new Linux users desire to perform, while explaining potentially confusing concepts along the way. It will steer you through system customization opportunities and common tasks like listening to audio CDs and MP3s, watching movies, and performing office- and Internet-related jobs. A large part of the book is dedicated to advanced command-line techniques necessary to maintain your system and become a true Linux master! Highlights of this title include the following: Provides an illustrated, step-by-step guide to Fedora installation and hardware configuration Includes a DVD consisting of the latest Fedora operating system. Just place the disk into your drive and begin! Eases the transition from the Windows to the Linux desktop by focusing on key everyday tasks such as file management, peripheral configuration, MP3/video playback, and office tasks Note: this title was originally published with an accompanying CD-ROM or DVD. That accompanying material can now be found by navigating to http://extras.springer.com/Search and entering the book's ISBN.… (lisätietoja)

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Ei arvosteluja
If you've got no knowledge of Linux, this book will help you [get] started; more experienced users should give it a miss. 8/10
lisäsi legallypuzzled | muokkaaLinux Format, Andy Hudson (Mar 1, 2008)

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Shashank Sharmaensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Thomas, Keirpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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Beginning Fedora: From Novice to Professional guides you through the tasks most new Linux users desire to perform, while explaining potentially confusing concepts along the way. It will steer you through system customization opportunities and common tasks like listening to audio CDs and MP3s, watching movies, and performing office- and Internet-related jobs. A large part of the book is dedicated to advanced command-line techniques necessary to maintain your system and become a true Linux master! Highlights of this title include the following: Provides an illustrated, step-by-step guide to Fedora installation and hardware configuration Includes a DVD consisting of the latest Fedora operating system. Just place the disk into your drive and begin! Eases the transition from the Windows to the Linux desktop by focusing on key everyday tasks such as file management, peripheral configuration, MP3/video playback, and office tasks Note: this title was originally published with an accompanying CD-ROM or DVD. That accompanying material can now be found by navigating to http://extras.springer.com/Search and entering the book's ISBN.

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