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You Can Write a Romance

Tekijä: Rita Clay Estrada, Rita Gallagher

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53-485,777 (3.63)-
Write the romance of your dreams and capture the hearts of readers everywhere. This complete guide shows you how."You Can Write a Romance" combines the skills of award-winning author Rita Clay Estrada and renowned instructor Rita Gallagher, the esteemed "First Ladies" of the Romance Writers of America. Together, they'll show you how to take your story from idea to completed manuscript to signed book deal - even if you've never tried to write a novel before.You'll learn the genre's special categories, what romance editors are looking for, and how stories are accepted. There's also in-depth instruction on the craft of romance writing, from creating lively heroines to developing plots that are fresh and compelling.Create a novel your readers won't forget. With "You Can Write a Romance," you can begin today… (lisätietoja)

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Gallagher, Ritapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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Write the romance of your dreams and capture the hearts of readers everywhere. This complete guide shows you how."You Can Write a Romance" combines the skills of award-winning author Rita Clay Estrada and renowned instructor Rita Gallagher, the esteemed "First Ladies" of the Romance Writers of America. Together, they'll show you how to take your story from idea to completed manuscript to signed book deal - even if you've never tried to write a novel before.You'll learn the genre's special categories, what romance editors are looking for, and how stories are accepted. There's also in-depth instruction on the craft of romance writing, from creating lively heroines to developing plots that are fresh and compelling.Create a novel your readers won't forget. With "You Can Write a Romance," you can begin today

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