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Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide

Tekijä: Alan R. Carter

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Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers are just as hot in the information technology world as Microsoft's Windows NT operating system. In the US alone today, there are 200,000 open IT jobs, and researchers expect demand to grow to over 500,000 within the next three years. Needless to say, becoming an MCSE in Windows NT is a heck of a great career move. Now Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide puts you on the fast track toward certification by covering everything you need to know to pass these three required MCSE exams: Exam Number Exam Title * 70-73 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 * 70-67 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 * 70-68 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise Even if you're not planning to take the MCSE exams, in Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide you'll find critical information to use on the job, including * Deploying, installing, and configuring Windows NT -- both Workstation and Server * Managing resources -- from administering user and group accounts to optimizing Windows NT Server Directory Services * Setting up effective network connectivity using TCP/IP and other protocols, as well as maintaining heterogeneous Windows NT and Novell NetWare networks, instituting remote access capabilities, and accommodating Mac OS platforms * Optimizing applications to run under Windows NT * Monitoring, evaluating, and optimizing Windows NT networks using tools such as Performance Monitor and Network Monitor * Troubleshooting workstation and network problems when they arise Plus, Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide includes an in-depth collection of study and test-preparation resources, as well as a bonus CD-ROM containing a searchable electronic version of the book in Adobe Acrobat portable document format, excerpts from MCSE Career Microsoft!, and other software and reference material essential for success as a Microsoft Windows NT certified professional. Covers: Exams 070-058, 070-073, 070-067 and 070-068… (lisätietoja)

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Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers are just as hot in the information technology world as Microsoft's Windows NT operating system. In the US alone today, there are 200,000 open IT jobs, and researchers expect demand to grow to over 500,000 within the next three years. Needless to say, becoming an MCSE in Windows NT is a heck of a great career move. Now Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide puts you on the fast track toward certification by covering everything you need to know to pass these three required MCSE exams: Exam Number Exam Title * 70-73 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 * 70-67 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 * 70-68 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise Even if you're not planning to take the MCSE exams, in Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide you'll find critical information to use on the job, including * Deploying, installing, and configuring Windows NT -- both Workstation and Server * Managing resources -- from administering user and group accounts to optimizing Windows NT Server Directory Services * Setting up effective network connectivity using TCP/IP and other protocols, as well as maintaining heterogeneous Windows NT and Novell NetWare networks, instituting remote access capabilities, and accommodating Mac OS platforms * Optimizing applications to run under Windows NT * Monitoring, evaluating, and optimizing Windows NT networks using tools such as Performance Monitor and Network Monitor * Troubleshooting workstation and network problems when they arise Plus, Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Study Guide includes an in-depth collection of study and test-preparation resources, as well as a bonus CD-ROM containing a searchable electronic version of the book in Adobe Acrobat portable document format, excerpts from MCSE Career Microsoft!, and other software and reference material essential for success as a Microsoft Windows NT certified professional. Covers: Exams 070-058, 070-073, 070-067 and 070-068

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