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Muster rolls of the soldiers of the War of 1812 : detached from the Militia of North Carolina in 1812 and 1814

Tekijä: Toler

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This work is an exhaustive list of soldiers who were detached from the regular North Carolina Militia for service in the War of 1812. Arranged by company and by county regiment, the book is, in fact, a complete muster roll of the state's 12,000 active wartime participants, and it constitutes an important sourcebook in the literature of North Carolina genealogy. The lists, of which there are hundreds, contain the names of both officers and men and are presented in two separate sections: one covering the detachments of 1812, the other the detachments of 1814. It should be emphasized that the Clearfield edition of the Muster Rolls is the only edition with an index, as it includes the complete name index to the 12,000 or so names listed in the volume that was compiled by Maurice S. Toler of the North Carolina State Archives and prepared for publication by the Genealogical Publishing Company in 1976.… (lisätietoja)

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This work is an exhaustive list of soldiers who were detached from the regular North Carolina Militia for service in the War of 1812. Arranged by company and by county regiment, the book is, in fact, a complete muster roll of the state's 12,000 active wartime participants, and it constitutes an important sourcebook in the literature of North Carolina genealogy. The lists, of which there are hundreds, contain the names of both officers and men and are presented in two separate sections: one covering the detachments of 1812, the other the detachments of 1814. It should be emphasized that the Clearfield edition of the Muster Rolls is the only edition with an index, as it includes the complete name index to the 12,000 or so names listed in the volume that was compiled by Maurice S. Toler of the North Carolina State Archives and prepared for publication by the Genealogical Publishing Company in 1976.

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