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Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites:…

Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites: Flavorful Recipes for Healthful Meals (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 1996; vuoden 1996 painos)

Tekijä: Moosewood Collective

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,115518,768 (3.76)9
This is the low-fat book cooks who care about wholesome, vegetarian-inspired food have been waiting for, with more than 280 recipes that are as delicious and trustworthy as those in the Moosewood Collective's previous books. With fourteen chapters, ranging from savory soups and main course salads to creative side dishes and aromatic Mediterranean and Asian-inspired dishes, fat will not be missed in mouthwatering recipes like Guacamole with Asparagus, Chinese Orzo Vegetable Salad, Spring Vegetable Paella, Indian Potato Pancakes, and Creamy Dairyless Rice Pudding. Along with those creative dishes, there are also low-fat variations on familiar favorites such as Macaroni and Cheese, Shephard's Pie, and Dark Chocolate Pudding. An added bonus: the Moosewood Collective has made sure that the ingredients used in the recipes throughout the book are easily found in most well-stocked supermarkets.  Along with nutritional and glossary guides that provide explanations of nutritional terms, instructions for how to glean the information you need from nutrition labels, a brief overview of vitamins and minerals, and guides to ingredients and cooking techniques, the Collective also offers tips and ideas for sustaining a low-fat lifestyle. They bake rather than fry, replace high-fat ingredients with healthy substitutes (no artificial ingredients allowed!), and use butter and oil very moderately, so that what is lost in fat is gained in bold, intense flavors.  Moosewood Restaurant Low-fat Favorites is sure to set the kitchen standard not only for health-conscious cooks, but also for those who have come to rely on the Moosewood Collective's easy, earthy approach to cooking.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites: Flavorful Recipes for Healthful Meals
Kirjailijat:Moosewood Collective
Info:Clarkson Potter (1996), Edition: 1st, Paperback, 465 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites: Flavorful Recipes for Healthful Meals (tekijä: Moosewood Collective) (1996)


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» Katso myös 9 mainintaa

näyttää 5/5
The recipes in this book include low-fat versions of popular standards (like macaroni and cheese), and new inventions to achieve great taste with lower fat. Their goal, as stated in the introduction, was to create food that doesn’t come off as merely “healthful diet food” but rather food that “is exciting, ethnically diverse, and satisfyingly delicious.”

In my opinion, they succeed admirably. The recipes I have tried are not only good-tasting, but not that difficult to make. In particular I recommend the Tuscan Sandwich, Quinoa Pine Nut Pilaf, Lucious Basil and Feta Pizza, and Chocolate Cocoa Cake.

Each recipe is accompanied by nutritional information and menu suggestions. ( )
  nbmars | Nov 11, 2020 |
I am glad I borrowed this from the library. I did NOT like this cookbook at all. The recipes didn't seem appealing, there were no pictures (though pictures are not a requirement for my cookbooks), and I felt like the book played heavily on the renown of the restaurant. Until I picked up the cookbook, I'd never heard of the restaurant. ( )
  lesmel | Jul 12, 2013 |
A wonderful fabulous cookbook. Highly recommended for vegetarians. I've tried quite a number of the recipes here and they are very good. When I cook for non-vegetarians (who enjoy eating something besides pizza or burgers) I reach for this book. ( )
  rdphillippi | May 23, 2009 |
This is a really useable book with tons of delicious low-fat (not an oxymoron here!) vegetarian recipes, suggestions for alternatives, and no glossy photos to make me feel bad when I drip stuff onto it. The font makes it easy to read while its lying on the counter (another plus for utility), and the simple colors make it aesthetically pleasing. This is an everyday cookbook which generally uses everyday and accessible ingredients - none of this going to the ends of the earth for an ingredient that sounds like Dr. Seuss made it up and only grows on the top of the mountain Ishkabibble. Can't recommend this cook book enough, and have already given it to all my parents and siblings. Watch out friends and family, you know what's in your near-future! ( )
  GoofyOcean110 | May 19, 2009 |
Chapters are pasta, soups, breakfasts, nutrition facts & cooking tips with glossary (pg 397), fish=yes, beef=no. There are good suggestions for recipe combos. I like the nutrition analysis. ( )
  cookebooks | Jan 1, 2008 |
näyttää 5/5
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This book is dedicated to
Our role models and favorite teachers,
Who taught us that we should
Be grateful and respect one another,
And who urged us to ecpress
Ourselves creatively, to discover health
And the meaning of enough, and to
Measure our success
By the happiness in out hearts.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


This is the low-fat book cooks who care about wholesome, vegetarian-inspired food have been waiting for, with more than 280 recipes that are as delicious and trustworthy as those in the Moosewood Collective's previous books. With fourteen chapters, ranging from savory soups and main course salads to creative side dishes and aromatic Mediterranean and Asian-inspired dishes, fat will not be missed in mouthwatering recipes like Guacamole with Asparagus, Chinese Orzo Vegetable Salad, Spring Vegetable Paella, Indian Potato Pancakes, and Creamy Dairyless Rice Pudding. Along with those creative dishes, there are also low-fat variations on familiar favorites such as Macaroni and Cheese, Shephard's Pie, and Dark Chocolate Pudding. An added bonus: the Moosewood Collective has made sure that the ingredients used in the recipes throughout the book are easily found in most well-stocked supermarkets.  Along with nutritional and glossary guides that provide explanations of nutritional terms, instructions for how to glean the information you need from nutrition labels, a brief overview of vitamins and minerals, and guides to ingredients and cooking techniques, the Collective also offers tips and ideas for sustaining a low-fat lifestyle. They bake rather than fry, replace high-fat ingredients with healthy substitutes (no artificial ingredients allowed!), and use butter and oil very moderately, so that what is lost in fat is gained in bold, intense flavors.  Moosewood Restaurant Low-fat Favorites is sure to set the kitchen standard not only for health-conscious cooks, but also for those who have come to rely on the Moosewood Collective's easy, earthy approach to cooking.

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Keskiarvo: (3.76)
1 2
2 12
2.5 1
3 29
3.5 6
4 44
4.5 4
5 31

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