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An Eponymous Dictionary Of Economics: A Guide To Laws And Theorems Named After Economists (Elgar Original Reference)

Tekijä: Julio Segura

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An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics is a fascinating and accessible reference work with comprehensive coverage of the field of economics from Adam Smith's Problem through Minkowski's Theorem to Zellner's Estimator.Eponymy - the practice of affixing the name of the scientist to all or part of what he/she has found - has many interesting features but only a very few attempts have been made to tackle the subject lexicographically in science and art. This is the first eponymous dictionary of economics ever published in any language.There are hundreds of eponyms and the average economist will probably be acquainted with, let alone be able to master, a relatively restricted number of them. The Dictionary fills this void in a manageable volume that describes all relevant economic eponyms. Some rare but interesting eponyms are also included, many entries are cross-referenced and all have a succinct bibliography for further reading.Julio Segura and Carlos Rodríguez Braun have assembled a unique Dictionary that will be an invaluable and much welcomed reference book for economic journalists, economists and economic scholars at all levels of academe, and in all areas of economics and its associated fields.… (lisätietoja)

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An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics is a fascinating and accessible reference work with comprehensive coverage of the field of economics from Adam Smith's Problem through Minkowski's Theorem to Zellner's Estimator.Eponymy - the practice of affixing the name of the scientist to all or part of what he/she has found - has many interesting features but only a very few attempts have been made to tackle the subject lexicographically in science and art. This is the first eponymous dictionary of economics ever published in any language.There are hundreds of eponyms and the average economist will probably be acquainted with, let alone be able to master, a relatively restricted number of them. The Dictionary fills this void in a manageable volume that describes all relevant economic eponyms. Some rare but interesting eponyms are also included, many entries are cross-referenced and all have a succinct bibliography for further reading.Julio Segura and Carlos Rodríguez Braun have assembled a unique Dictionary that will be an invaluable and much welcomed reference book for economic journalists, economists and economic scholars at all levels of academe, and in all areas of economics and its associated fields.

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