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Plagiarism, Copyright Violation and Other Thefts of Intellectual Property: An Annotated Bibliography With a Lengthy Intr

Tekijä: Judy Anderson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
What is intellectual property? Should copyright laws be modified to accommodate new ways of transmitting information? The debate over such questions has reemerged with the growth of the Internet and other means of electronically storing information. Over 600 articles written from 1900 through 1995 are fully annotated in this bibliography. The citations cover a wide range of material, from humorous anecdotes in popular magazines to scholarly discussions in academic journals. The entries are divided into three parts: the money trail; the detection and proof of violations and the punishment of offenders; and defending one's property. A lengthy introduction first details how the concept of intellectual property came into being and then focuses on how governments and other entities deal with the issue.… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


What is intellectual property? Should copyright laws be modified to accommodate new ways of transmitting information? The debate over such questions has reemerged with the growth of the Internet and other means of electronically storing information. Over 600 articles written from 1900 through 1995 are fully annotated in this bibliography. The citations cover a wide range of material, from humorous anecdotes in popular magazines to scholarly discussions in academic journals. The entries are divided into three parts: the money trail; the detection and proof of violations and the punishment of offenders; and defending one's property. A lengthy introduction first details how the concept of intellectual property came into being and then focuses on how governments and other entities deal with the issue.

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