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The Man from Nowhere & Bitter Grass

Tekijä: Theodore V. Olsen

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The Man from Nowhere When a Wyoming bank job went belly up, the notorious Vano Gang was wiped out, and Johnny Vano was almost sent to a watery grave. Then a rough-hewn ranch family saved his life and gave the young hard case a chance for a new start. But repaying their kindness turned out to be more lethal than dodging the law's lead, because Johnny had to stop a cattle-rustling conspiracy dead in its tracks. To do so, he had to face a treacherous enemy from the past and settle the score in blood. Bitter Grass He weathered the brutality and torture of a prisoner-of-war camp. He survived the loss of his fiancée to another. He shot down or destroyed anything that stood between him and his lifelong dream of a mighty cattle empire. All the misfortune in the world tried to break Jonathan Trask, but he would not break. Then, almost too late, he realized that he himself was responsible for the thing that could snap him like a twig. And if he didn't act quickly, the taste of lead would be the best--and easiest--death he could hope for.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjcm790, djudas, FormanLibrary

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The Man from Nowhere When a Wyoming bank job went belly up, the notorious Vano Gang was wiped out, and Johnny Vano was almost sent to a watery grave. Then a rough-hewn ranch family saved his life and gave the young hard case a chance for a new start. But repaying their kindness turned out to be more lethal than dodging the law's lead, because Johnny had to stop a cattle-rustling conspiracy dead in its tracks. To do so, he had to face a treacherous enemy from the past and settle the score in blood. Bitter Grass He weathered the brutality and torture of a prisoner-of-war camp. He survived the loss of his fiancée to another. He shot down or destroyed anything that stood between him and his lifelong dream of a mighty cattle empire. All the misfortune in the world tried to break Jonathan Trask, but he would not break. Then, almost too late, he realized that he himself was responsible for the thing that could snap him like a twig. And if he didn't act quickly, the taste of lead would be the best--and easiest--death he could hope for.

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