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The Engaged Customer: Using the New Rules of Internet Direct Marketing to Create Profitable Customer Relationships

Tekijä: Hans Peter Brondmo

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42-601,186 (3.5)-
In the age of the Internet, how do you keep your customers coming back--again and again--when your competitors are always just one click away? How do you turn casual, anonymous surfers into profitable, "engaged" customers? The answers to these questions can be found in The Eng@ged Customer, written by Hans Peter Brondmo, one of the Internet's best known and most successful direct marketing experts. In this new marketing classic Brondmo introduces readers to the new rules of Internet direct marketing and shows them how to use email to build service rather than marketing relationships. A visionary in both the technology and marketing arenas, Brondmo has shown more company executives than anyone how to build lasting, profitable, one-on-one relationships with customers on the Internet. His client list includes such household names as Palm, Hewlett-Packard, Victoria's Secret, Amtrak, Wells Fargo Bank, OfficeMax, Wegmans Food Markets, as well as such Internet leaders as CDNow, E-Trade Women.com, Petopia.com, Sparks.com, and eBags.com. The Eng@ged Customer makes Brondmo's expertise available to executives, managers, and marketers in both Old and New Economy businesses. The book combines a strategic perspective with tactical guidance, showing where and how to invest in order to build an Internet direct marketing program, and how to plan, develop, and implement your program for maximum success. While sending email messages to customers may sound like a simple process, retailers and marketers all over the world have discovered just how difficult it is to do it well. Let Brondmo show you how to design email communications and marketing programs that have your customers complaining if they don't hear from you understand and manage customer information so that you can "get to know" each and every customer--even if you've got millions avoid spam and the potential nightmare of privacy violations anticipate the organizational impact of customer-focused Internet direct marketing define, measure, and track your success. Whether you are an executive or a manager, The Eng@ged Customer will show you: how to keep your customers coming back how to rise above the increasing Internet clutter how to become the trusted voice that your customers rely on.… (lisätietoja)

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In the age of the Internet, how do you keep your customers coming back--again and again--when your competitors are always just one click away? How do you turn casual, anonymous surfers into profitable, "engaged" customers? The answers to these questions can be found in The Eng@ged Customer, written by Hans Peter Brondmo, one of the Internet's best known and most successful direct marketing experts. In this new marketing classic Brondmo introduces readers to the new rules of Internet direct marketing and shows them how to use email to build service rather than marketing relationships. A visionary in both the technology and marketing arenas, Brondmo has shown more company executives than anyone how to build lasting, profitable, one-on-one relationships with customers on the Internet. His client list includes such household names as Palm, Hewlett-Packard, Victoria's Secret, Amtrak, Wells Fargo Bank, OfficeMax, Wegmans Food Markets, as well as such Internet leaders as CDNow, E-Trade Women.com, Petopia.com, Sparks.com, and eBags.com. The Eng@ged Customer makes Brondmo's expertise available to executives, managers, and marketers in both Old and New Economy businesses. The book combines a strategic perspective with tactical guidance, showing where and how to invest in order to build an Internet direct marketing program, and how to plan, develop, and implement your program for maximum success. While sending email messages to customers may sound like a simple process, retailers and marketers all over the world have discovered just how difficult it is to do it well. Let Brondmo show you how to design email communications and marketing programs that have your customers complaining if they don't hear from you understand and manage customer information so that you can "get to know" each and every customer--even if you've got millions avoid spam and the potential nightmare of privacy violations anticipate the organizational impact of customer-focused Internet direct marketing define, measure, and track your success. Whether you are an executive or a manager, The Eng@ged Customer will show you: how to keep your customers coming back how to rise above the increasing Internet clutter how to become the trusted voice that your customers rely on.

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