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The Everything Knots Book : Step-By-Step…

The Everything Knots Book : Step-By-Step Instructions for Tying Any Knot (vuoden 2004 painos)

Tekijä: Randy Penn (Tekijä)

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36-692,510 (3)-
Simple instructions on how to tie over 100 useful and decorative knots A well-tied knot is at once a practical tool and a work of art. With names like "hangman's noose" and "wagoneer's hitch," knots have a rich history of usefulness and an aesthetic appeal all their own. From the boat to the backyard, The Everything Knots Book provides simple instructions on how to tie knots for any situation. Written by Randy Penn, a member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers, this handy guide walks readers through the basics and offers myriad suggestions for creative uses of these knots. Mr. Penn shows readers how to: Choose the right rope and knot for the job Tie knots safely and securely Create decorative knots for clothing and accessories Practice knot-tying through games and exercises Packed with easy-to-follow instructions and clear illustrations, The Everything Knots Book makes learning this useful skill fun and easy.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Everything Knots Book : Step-By-Step Instructions for Tying Any Knot
Kirjailijat:Randy Penn (Tekijä)
Info:Adams Media Corporation (2004), 288 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, C&B Shelves
Arvio (tähdet):


The Everything Knots Book: Step-By-Step Instructions for Tying Any Knot (Everything Series) (tekijä: Randy Penn)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatSoDLB, Nymphistra, amorini, MarkStam, chaoscorgi

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Simple instructions on how to tie over 100 useful and decorative knots A well-tied knot is at once a practical tool and a work of art. With names like "hangman's noose" and "wagoneer's hitch," knots have a rich history of usefulness and an aesthetic appeal all their own. From the boat to the backyard, The Everything Knots Book provides simple instructions on how to tie knots for any situation. Written by Randy Penn, a member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers, this handy guide walks readers through the basics and offers myriad suggestions for creative uses of these knots. Mr. Penn shows readers how to: Choose the right rope and knot for the job Tie knots safely and securely Create decorative knots for clothing and accessories Practice knot-tying through games and exercises Packed with easy-to-follow instructions and clear illustrations, The Everything Knots Book makes learning this useful skill fun and easy.

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