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The Power of Your Other Hand : A Course in…

The Power of Your Other Hand : A Course in Channeling the Inner Wisdom of the Right Brain (vuoden 2001 painos)

Tekijä: Lucia Capacchione

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1031267,875 (3.58)-
Brain researchers have in recent years have discovered the vast, untapped potential of the brain's little-used, right hemisphere. Art therapist Lucia Capacchione discovered that our nondominant hand is a direct channel to that potential. Her research and fieldwork with people using their "other hand" provides the raw material for this classic, first published in 1988. In workshops and private sessions, Lucia has worked with thousands of people, employing these techniques to help them become more creative, expressive, and intuitive in their day-to-day lives and also experience improved health and greater fulfillment in their relationships. Lucia will show you how to: Channel the deep inner wisdom of your True Self Change negative attitudes about yourself Unlock creativity Uncover hidden artistic abilities Heal your relationships Through various drawing and writing exercises, Lucia Capacchione hopes you will discover the power that lies hidden in your other hand. The techniques will help you explore and understand your thoughts and feelings on a completely different level and reconnect with a sense of playfulness you may have left behind in childhood.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Power of Your Other Hand : A Course in Channeling the Inner Wisdom of the Right Brain
Kirjailijat:Lucia Capacchione
Info:New Page Books (2001), Edition: Revised, Paperback
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:multco, art therapy


The Power of Your Other Hand: A Course in Channeling the Inner Wisdom of the Right Brain (tekijä: Lucia Capacchione)


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> Babelio : https://www.babelio.com/livres/Capacchione-Le-pouvoir-de-votre-autre-main/131592...

> LE POUVOIR DE VOTRE AUTRE MAIN, par Lucia Cappacchione Ed. Médicis-Entre Lacs. — Plusieurs chercheurs qui étudient le cerveau ont récemment mis en lumière le vaste potentiel du cerveau droit. Lucia Capaccionne a découvert que la main, “non dominante" — la gauche pour un droitier et réciproquement est un lien direct avec ce potentiel. En ce sens, grâce à des exercices et des expériences avec “l’autre main”, l’auteur montre comment : s’adresser à notre “enfant intérieur” — Mieux se soigner et favoriser les convalescences — soigner nos rapports avec les autres — débloquer notre créativité et notre communication avec le niveau le plus profond de notre sagesse et de notre Moi Véritable.
Lucia Capacchione est une pionnière en matière d’auto-thérapie et de soins par l’écriture et le dessin.
Infos Yoga, (14), Sept./Oct. 1997, (p. 19)
  Joop-le-philosophe | Feb 2, 2023 |
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Brain researchers have in recent years have discovered the vast, untapped potential of the brain's little-used, right hemisphere. Art therapist Lucia Capacchione discovered that our nondominant hand is a direct channel to that potential. Her research and fieldwork with people using their "other hand" provides the raw material for this classic, first published in 1988. In workshops and private sessions, Lucia has worked with thousands of people, employing these techniques to help them become more creative, expressive, and intuitive in their day-to-day lives and also experience improved health and greater fulfillment in their relationships. Lucia will show you how to: Channel the deep inner wisdom of your True Self Change negative attitudes about yourself Unlock creativity Uncover hidden artistic abilities Heal your relationships Through various drawing and writing exercises, Lucia Capacchione hopes you will discover the power that lies hidden in your other hand. The techniques will help you explore and understand your thoughts and feelings on a completely different level and reconnect with a sense of playfulness you may have left behind in childhood.

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