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Solar Electricity, 2nd Edition

Tekijä: Tomas Markvart

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8-2,202,683 (4.5)-
Solar Electricity Second Edition Edited by Tomas Markvart University of Southampton, UK ".warmly recommended as a comprehensive, introductory text on a subject which should become increasingly important." (Review of the First Edition in Contemporary Physics) The rapid evolution of photovoltaic technology has highlighted the increasing capabilities of solar electricity as a power source for distributed energy generation. Building on the success of the first edition, Solar Electricity presents a balanced introduction to all aspects of solar energy conversion, from cell types to environmental impact and applications. Now fully revised to incorporate the latest industry achievements and featuring: New sections on the role of dye sensitised solar cells, photovoltaics in buildings, diesel hybrid systems, and photovoltaic markets and funding. Solar cell design and manufacturing technology including crystalline silicon and thin film devices. Introduction to a range of photovoltaic applications including rural electrification, grid connection issues, and the supply of electrical power to satellites in space. Illustrative case studies and self-assessment questions and answers at the end of each chapter. Undergraduate and postgraduate science and engineering students, practising mechanical and power engineers and those with a general interest in renewable energy will find this comprehensive text on invaluable reference. Solar Electricity, Second Edition forms part of the Energy Engineering Learning Package. Organised by UNESCO, this distance learning package has been established to train engineers to meet the challengs of today and tomorrow in this exciting field of energy engineering. It has been developed by an international team of distinguished academics, coordinated by Dr Boris Berkovski. This modular course will appeal to advanced undergraduates and post graduate students, as well as practising power engineers in industry. World Solar Summit Process Visit Our Web Page! http://www.wiley.com/… (lisätietoja)

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Solar Electricity Second Edition Edited by Tomas Markvart University of Southampton, UK ".warmly recommended as a comprehensive, introductory text on a subject which should become increasingly important." (Review of the First Edition in Contemporary Physics) The rapid evolution of photovoltaic technology has highlighted the increasing capabilities of solar electricity as a power source for distributed energy generation. Building on the success of the first edition, Solar Electricity presents a balanced introduction to all aspects of solar energy conversion, from cell types to environmental impact and applications. Now fully revised to incorporate the latest industry achievements and featuring: New sections on the role of dye sensitised solar cells, photovoltaics in buildings, diesel hybrid systems, and photovoltaic markets and funding. Solar cell design and manufacturing technology including crystalline silicon and thin film devices. Introduction to a range of photovoltaic applications including rural electrification, grid connection issues, and the supply of electrical power to satellites in space. Illustrative case studies and self-assessment questions and answers at the end of each chapter. Undergraduate and postgraduate science and engineering students, practising mechanical and power engineers and those with a general interest in renewable energy will find this comprehensive text on invaluable reference. Solar Electricity, Second Edition forms part of the Energy Engineering Learning Package. Organised by UNESCO, this distance learning package has been established to train engineers to meet the challengs of today and tomorrow in this exciting field of energy engineering. It has been developed by an international team of distinguished academics, coordinated by Dr Boris Berkovski. This modular course will appeal to advanced undergraduates and post graduate students, as well as practising power engineers in industry. World Solar Summit Process Visit Our Web Page! http://www.wiley.com/

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