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Hair & Fashion

Tekijä: Caroline Cox

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Whether long or cropped, curly or straight, hairstyles are a potent force - in combination with the latest fashions, they create unforgettable images- from Vidal Sassoon's 'Five Point Cut' for Mary Quant to the punk look of the 1970s or Sam McKnight's transformative styles for Princess Diana. Hair isfashion and fashion ishair, a fascinating symbiotic relationship which is investigated in detail in this timely book. Hair and Fashionconsiders both the historical development of this relationship and its contemporary significance, focusing on key moments from the 1920s bob to the long-haired hippie look of the 1960s and the more contemporary Hoxton Fin. The role of colour for hair and its cultural meanings have become increasingly important in the twenty-first century, an era in which most women have dyed their hair at least once, and Hair and Fashionalso looks closely at the role of the blonde, brunette and redhead in popular culture. The stimulating text is supported by glamorous and evocative images, including ground-breaking fashion shoots by top photographers, as well as new, specially commissioned photographs. Haircuts and hairstyles, as this book reveals, are no mere simple incursions into hair taming and conformity but a living, growing embodiment of cultural codes and meanings with the potential to turn someone into a walking work of art.… (lisätietoja)

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Whether long or cropped, curly or straight, hairstyles are a potent force - in combination with the latest fashions, they create unforgettable images- from Vidal Sassoon's 'Five Point Cut' for Mary Quant to the punk look of the 1970s or Sam McKnight's transformative styles for Princess Diana. Hair isfashion and fashion ishair, a fascinating symbiotic relationship which is investigated in detail in this timely book. Hair and Fashionconsiders both the historical development of this relationship and its contemporary significance, focusing on key moments from the 1920s bob to the long-haired hippie look of the 1960s and the more contemporary Hoxton Fin. The role of colour for hair and its cultural meanings have become increasingly important in the twenty-first century, an era in which most women have dyed their hair at least once, and Hair and Fashionalso looks closely at the role of the blonde, brunette and redhead in popular culture. The stimulating text is supported by glamorous and evocative images, including ground-breaking fashion shoots by top photographers, as well as new, specially commissioned photographs. Haircuts and hairstyles, as this book reveals, are no mere simple incursions into hair taming and conformity but a living, growing embodiment of cultural codes and meanings with the potential to turn someone into a walking work of art.

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