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Created To Be God's Friend Workbook how God Shapes Those He Loves

Tekijä: Henry Blackaby

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What if we knew our lives - our everyday lives - Held a significant place in God's great plans? Would not everything take on a different cast? Henry Blackaby, author of the bestselling  Experiencing God book and bible study material, believes that no Christian need live without a God-given direction.  "To understand that in fact God did know you and choose you from eternity," he writes, "will give you an enormous sense of purpose in life." In Created to Be God's Friend Workbook, Henry Blackaby and Kerry Skinner turn to the Old Testament patriarch Abraham to show how we can walk in growing faith and friendship with God.  The Bible's compelling portraits of Abraham have profound relevance for us; through them we see how faith and obedience lead to a lifetime of joyous blessing, even when they seem bewildering and difficult. This stand-alone workbook, which can also be read as a companion to the trade book Created to Be God's Friend, provides illuminating questions and provocative insights, allowing individuals and groups to explore how to: Let God take the initiative to make us His friends Follow the Lord's timing when striking out for new territory and taking risks Deal with the consequences of divine commands and opportunities we have ignored Avoid letting success distract us from following God's call Believe that God can bring what He started to a grand conclusion "For the God of the universe to have thoughts and purposes for us," Blackaby and Skinner remind us, "also means that He will be at work in us and around us to bring them to pass."  It was true for Abraham's life.  It can be true for ours as well.     This format is designed for either individuals or group leaders. Created to Be God's Friend is a remarkable study in our relationship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives. Previous editions: 0-7852-6758-1.… (lisätietoja)

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What if we knew our lives - our everyday lives - Held a significant place in God's great plans? Would not everything take on a different cast? Henry Blackaby, author of the bestselling  Experiencing God book and bible study material, believes that no Christian need live without a God-given direction.  "To understand that in fact God did know you and choose you from eternity," he writes, "will give you an enormous sense of purpose in life." In Created to Be God's Friend Workbook, Henry Blackaby and Kerry Skinner turn to the Old Testament patriarch Abraham to show how we can walk in growing faith and friendship with God.  The Bible's compelling portraits of Abraham have profound relevance for us; through them we see how faith and obedience lead to a lifetime of joyous blessing, even when they seem bewildering and difficult. This stand-alone workbook, which can also be read as a companion to the trade book Created to Be God's Friend, provides illuminating questions and provocative insights, allowing individuals and groups to explore how to: Let God take the initiative to make us His friends Follow the Lord's timing when striking out for new territory and taking risks Deal with the consequences of divine commands and opportunities we have ignored Avoid letting success distract us from following God's call Believe that God can bring what He started to a grand conclusion "For the God of the universe to have thoughts and purposes for us," Blackaby and Skinner remind us, "also means that He will be at work in us and around us to bring them to pass."  It was true for Abraham's life.  It can be true for ours as well.     This format is designed for either individuals or group leaders. Created to Be God's Friend is a remarkable study in our relationship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives. Previous editions: 0-7852-6758-1.

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