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Southeast Asia: An Introductory History…

Southeast Asia: An Introductory History (vuoden 2010 painos)

Tekijä: Milton Osborne (Tekijä)

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1742161,929 (3.71)2
Now in its 10th edition, this lively and accessible guide to Southeast Asia written by one of the world's preeminent historians of the area remains a classic in its field The first edition of this one-volume introductrion to the area was published in 1979 and immediately filled a need for travelers and students interested in a tantalizingly different part of the world. Subsequent editions have continued to document with great perception the enormous changes and dramatic growth experienced in the region. Dr. Milton Osborne has been a resident, student, and fascinated observer of Southeast Asia for more than 40 years. This familiarity has resulted in a highly readable chronicle, ideal for travelers, students, and general history readers. While giving due regard to the early history of the region, Osborne concentrates on the changes that have taken place since the 18th century: the impact of colonial ru≤ economic transformations of the 19th and 20th centuries; the emergence and triumph of the independence movements; the impact of social chan≥ and the pivotal roles played by religion, ethnic minorities, and immigrant groups. He also provides an introduction to the art of the region and a comprehensive guide to literature about Southeast Asia.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Southeast Asia: An Introductory History
Kirjailijat:Milton Osborne (Tekijä)
Info:Allen & Unwin (2010), Edition: Tenth Edition, 10th edition, 352 pages
Kokoelmat:Owned But Haven’t Read, Oma kirjasto
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Southeast Asia: An Introductory History (tekijä: Milton Osborne)


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näyttää 2/2
I have read a number of Milton Osborne's book on SE Asia and have learned much about its history from him. However, I find it puzzling that they have a glaring omission when he writes about the early history. There is no mention of the Mon people, who were one of the earliest inhabitants of SE Asia and were responsible for the spread of Theravada Buddhism in Thailand, Laos, and Burma. Their Dvaravati kingdom pre-dated and was a contemporary of the Angkor kingdom before being invaded by them. ( )
  Clifford.Terry | Apr 30, 2015 |
Southeast Asia, History, Thailand, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Phillipines ( )
  wrjensen382 | Nov 29, 2017 |
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Now in its 10th edition, this lively and accessible guide to Southeast Asia written by one of the world's preeminent historians of the area remains a classic in its field The first edition of this one-volume introductrion to the area was published in 1979 and immediately filled a need for travelers and students interested in a tantalizingly different part of the world. Subsequent editions have continued to document with great perception the enormous changes and dramatic growth experienced in the region. Dr. Milton Osborne has been a resident, student, and fascinated observer of Southeast Asia for more than 40 years. This familiarity has resulted in a highly readable chronicle, ideal for travelers, students, and general history readers. While giving due regard to the early history of the region, Osborne concentrates on the changes that have taken place since the 18th century: the impact of colonial ru≤ economic transformations of the 19th and 20th centuries; the emergence and triumph of the independence movements; the impact of social chan≥ and the pivotal roles played by religion, ethnic minorities, and immigrant groups. He also provides an introduction to the art of the region and a comprehensive guide to literature about Southeast Asia.

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