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The Road from Coorain Tekijä: Jill Ker…

The Road from Coorain (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 1989; vuoden 1990 painos)

Tekijä: Jill Ker Conway

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,810349,777 (3.88)91
In a memoir that pierces and delights us, Jill Ker Conway tells the story of her astonishing journey into adulthood--a journey that would ultimately span immense distances and encompass worlds, ideas, and ways of life that seem a century apart. She was seven before she ever saw another girl child. At eight, still too small to mount her horse unaided, she was galloping miles, alone, across Coorain, her parents' thirty thousand windswept, drought-haunted acres in the Australian outback, doing a "man's job" of helping herd the sheep because World War II had taken away the able-bodied men. She loved (and makes us see and feel) the vast unpeopled landscape, beautiful and hostile, whose uncertain weathers tormented the sheep ranchers with conflicting promises of riches and inescapable disaster. She adored (and makes us know) her large-visioned father and her strong, radiant mother, who had gone willingly with him into a pioneering life of loneliness and bone-breaking toil, who seemed miraculously to succeed in creating a warmly sheltering home in the harsh outback, and who, upon her husband's sudden death when Jill was ten, began to slide--bereft of the partnership of work and love that had so utterly fulfilled her--into depression and dependency. We see Jill, staggered by the loss of her father, catapulted to what seemed another planet--the suburban Sydney of the 1950s and its crowded, noisy, cliquish school life. Then the heady excitement of the University, but with it a yet more demanding course of lessons--Jill embracing new ideas, new possibilities, while at the same time trying to be mother to her mother and resenting it, escaping into drink, pulling herself back, striking a balance. We see her slowly gaining strength, coming into her own emotionally and intellectually and beginning the joyous love affair that gave wings to her newfound self. Worlds away from Coorain, in America, Jill Conway became a historian and the first woman president of Smith College. Her story of Coorain and the road from Coorain startles by its passion and evocative power, by its understanding of the ways in which a total, deep-rooted commitment to place--or to a dream--can at once liberate and imprison. It is a story of childhood as both Eden and anguish, and of growing up as a journey toward the difficult life of the free.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Road from Coorain
Kirjailijat:Jill Ker Conway
Info:Vintage (1990), Edition: First Vantage Book sEdition, Paperback, 256 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Road from Coorain (tekijä: Jill Ker Conway) (1989)

  1. 01
    A Fortunate Life (tekijä: A. B. Facey) (suniru)
    suniru: Both books cover roughly the same era and locatation from different perspectives.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 34) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Conway leisurely sets the scenee for almost 2 chapters before getting to her birth. She analyzes, from her more mature perspective, the social structure she is a part of. The importance of landscape in the development of her character was important, and more clearly states an intuition I have felt.
As I finished the Australian book, I saw similarities with The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston: in both, women were dominated by their mothers, and both used their scholarly skills as a means of escape from the roles laid out for them. Conway's book, even tho it ends when she is about 26, leaves us assured that she does find her own path because the perspective of her older self is evident.
2011 review ( )
  juniperSun | Aug 3, 2024 |
The memoirs of Jill Conway and her journey into adulthood from a 30,000 acre sheep ranch in Coorain, Australia, to America where she became the first woman president of Smith College.
  PendleHillLibrary | Apr 1, 2024 |
This book was authored by a woman who apparently went on to become the president of Smith College. She took some pretty fascinating subject matter and made it quite dull by narrating the entire book. No dialogue. No scenes. Nothing to make the book come alive. She's a history professor, and this book is written just like a history book. There are some lovely descriptive passages, but I can't really recommend this unless you are seriously interested in Australia and really enjoy reading history texts. ( )
  Anita_Pomerantz | Mar 23, 2023 |
Interesting memoir of a girl in a dry part of Australia and how she grew up to value an education and self-reliance. ( )
  kslade | Dec 8, 2022 |
Here's what I wrote in 2008 about this book: "Insightful into being Australian, and Australians looking to the English for their culture still in the mid 20th century. Autobiographical and insightful also with respect to women's rights and professional aspirations . . . Conway became the first woman president of Smith College." Note this was another great read recommended by friend Kevin Coleman. ( )
  MGADMJK | Sep 15, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 34) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


In a memoir that pierces and delights us, Jill Ker Conway tells the story of her astonishing journey into adulthood--a journey that would ultimately span immense distances and encompass worlds, ideas, and ways of life that seem a century apart. She was seven before she ever saw another girl child. At eight, still too small to mount her horse unaided, she was galloping miles, alone, across Coorain, her parents' thirty thousand windswept, drought-haunted acres in the Australian outback, doing a "man's job" of helping herd the sheep because World War II had taken away the able-bodied men. She loved (and makes us see and feel) the vast unpeopled landscape, beautiful and hostile, whose uncertain weathers tormented the sheep ranchers with conflicting promises of riches and inescapable disaster. She adored (and makes us know) her large-visioned father and her strong, radiant mother, who had gone willingly with him into a pioneering life of loneliness and bone-breaking toil, who seemed miraculously to succeed in creating a warmly sheltering home in the harsh outback, and who, upon her husband's sudden death when Jill was ten, began to slide--bereft of the partnership of work and love that had so utterly fulfilled her--into depression and dependency. We see Jill, staggered by the loss of her father, catapulted to what seemed another planet--the suburban Sydney of the 1950s and its crowded, noisy, cliquish school life. Then the heady excitement of the University, but with it a yet more demanding course of lessons--Jill embracing new ideas, new possibilities, while at the same time trying to be mother to her mother and resenting it, escaping into drink, pulling herself back, striking a balance. We see her slowly gaining strength, coming into her own emotionally and intellectually and beginning the joyous love affair that gave wings to her newfound self. Worlds away from Coorain, in America, Jill Conway became a historian and the first woman president of Smith College. Her story of Coorain and the road from Coorain startles by its passion and evocative power, by its understanding of the ways in which a total, deep-rooted commitment to place--or to a dream--can at once liberate and imprison. It is a story of childhood as both Eden and anguish, and of growing up as a journey toward the difficult life of the free.

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2 8
3 63
3.5 18
4 130
4.5 19
5 58

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