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The Sunrise Lands: A Novel of the Change…

The Sunrise Lands: A Novel of the Change (Change Series) (vuoden 2008 painos)

Tekijä: S. M. Stirling

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,0332320,754 (3.81)20
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:Young Rudi Mackenzie has grown up knowing that he will one day assume leadership over the Western Oregon survivors of the technological disaster called the Change. But a prophecy made at his birth spoke of an even greater destinya destiny that is about to be fulfilled.
A mysterious traveler has arrived in the Willamette Valley. He brings news from the East, from Nantucket Island, long rumored to be the source of the Change. He has been sent on a mission to bring back with him the Sword of the Lady from the sunset oceans.
As son of the High Priestess, Rudi is the Sword of the Lady. Now, guided by the traveler, he sets out on a quest across the Changed land that was once America. But between Rudi and his destiny lies the Valley of Paradiseand the cult of a madman determined to stop him.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Sunrise Lands: A Novel of the Change (Change Series)
Kirjailijat:S. M. Stirling
Info:Roc (2008), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 528 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Sunrise Lands (tekijä: S. M. Stirling)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 23) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
In the second three book ark of the Change series, we're dealing primarily with a second generation of characters. The children of the rulers/leaders of the various groups and factions from the initial trilogy, plus new characters introduced throughout the arc that are children of rulers/leaders of other groups around the continent. There's a pretty clear thematic focus on heredity and feudalism, as well a more supernatural good v. evil theme. I think there's a bit of the hero's journey combined with the long journey of LotR as the ever expanding party journeys across the continent gathering allies and facing challenges before reaching the goal of their quest. The story also skews a lot harder into Fantasy territory, with magic becoming a real thing...though by the end of this three book ark I think there's an attempt to reign it back around to pseudo-science. The magic elements give us some nice material teasing the edge of horror, but honestly I think I would have preferred the story stay grounded primarily in the low-fantasy/no magic space with the function and cause of the Change left entirely unexplained. There's also a little bit of the weirdly specific and unsettling anti-lesbian commentary from the prequel trilogy rearing its head here, though in a much more subdued way. Its strange that its so specific given that no other part of the lgbtqia community gets that treatment in the books. By the second book there are some of the pacing issues and repetitive plot element problems that I think the final book of the initial trilogy suffered from, though nothing that flat out made me quit reading. There's an effort made to acknowledge that the characters themselves feel a bit frustrated with the pacing of their own adventures around the time it gets burdensome here as well, so Stirling was undoubtedly aware of it. That begs the question, why not alter the pacing instead though? I'll probably read through at least one more arc, which should bring me to the conclusion of this particular generation's story and the 'return of the king' and vanquishing of the supernatural foes arc, as they were in the pile I was given, but unless a few of the factors that lead me to feel indifferent to the story overall change that's probably where I'll stop. ( )
  jdavidhacker | Aug 4, 2023 |
The Sunrise Lands
This book starts off with a character on the East Coast who winds up going west a) because of his circumstances; b) because he’s received a traumatic order commanding him—as best he can interpret it—to contact the “Bear” and the “Sword of the Lady” on the West Coast and tell him he must come to Nantucket. After much travail this character reaches the West Coast, Rudi gets the message and, with a small entourage, heads East. If you’ve read the preceding books, then you know that his anamchara not going to let him go on a “quest” without her and she eventually joins up with him—in spite of his protestations.

Meanwhile, before they get anywhere near the East Coast they encounter the “Church Universal and Triumphant” (aka “CUT”, who give you the choice of converting to their form of religion or death) and things get extremely sticky—meaning that there’s some literal back-stabbing and the good guys lose the battle and the bad guys grab Mathilda and reaching the East Coast is postponed for another book.

I’m impressed by Stirling’s consistency in these first 3 books of the West Coast Emberverse stories. When I finally finish this sub-series I’ll have to go back and read the preceding “Nantucket” stories and, hopefully, learn how the “Change” occurred.

The "touch" that gives this episode 5-stars is the channeling of the War God during the great battle. ( )
  majackson | Jan 31, 2022 |
More of the good of this series. Survival and good characters and an investigation into Neopagan culture. The bad stuff is that the premise is a little out there and you still really have to suspend disbelief to keep reading, though the mystical/magical aspects of the series are getting more strong, so it's becoming more reasonable. In a world where magic exists, sure the premise could happen, right? Anyway, I love it even if it's a tad unrealistic in odd places. ( )
  Noeshia | Oct 23, 2020 |
couldn't finish
  LaurieGienapp | Dec 8, 2017 |
this series is actually getting better as it progresses. i am hooked! ( )
  Darth-Heather | May 31, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 23) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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to Jan, forever and ever
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Ingolf Vogeler slapped his horse affectionately on the neck; he felt a little better now that the rain had stopped, even though it was the tag end of a chilly October day with a ragged sky the color of damp raw wool rolling in from the west.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (4)

Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:Young Rudi Mackenzie has grown up knowing that he will one day assume leadership over the Western Oregon survivors of the technological disaster called the Change. But a prophecy made at his birth spoke of an even greater destinya destiny that is about to be fulfilled.
A mysterious traveler has arrived in the Willamette Valley. He brings news from the East, from Nantucket Island, long rumored to be the source of the Change. He has been sent on a mission to bring back with him the Sword of the Lady from the sunset oceans.
As son of the High Priestess, Rudi is the Sword of the Lady. Now, guided by the traveler, he sets out on a quest across the Changed land that was once America. But between Rudi and his destiny lies the Valley of Paradiseand the cult of a madman determined to stop him.

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (3.81)
1 3
1.5 1
2 11
2.5 1
3 43
3.5 17
4 84
4.5 6
5 43

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