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How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs

Tekijä: Richard Montauk

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130-211,682 (3.5)-
"An excellent (and very thorough) information source for anyone applying to MBA programs" --Sharon J. Hoffman, Associate Director and Dean of the MBA Program, Stanford Graduate School of Business How to Get into the Top MBA Programs provides a complete overview of what the top schools look for, with a step-by-step guide to the entire application process with in-depth advice from admissions directors from colleges across the country. This fully revised Sixth edition features new information on online MBA programs, comprehensive rankings of the leading schools, and new interviews with admissions officers. Readers will learn how to    * Develop an optimal marketing strategy    * Assess and upgrade their credentials    * Choose the right program    * Write quality essays for maximum impact    * Choose and manage their recommenders    * Ace their interviews    * Prepare for business school and get the most out of their chosen program  With expanded coverage of Asian programs, North American accelerated programs, and the latest insights on the new GMATs and GREs, How to Get into the Top MBA Programs is the most comprehensive, trusted MBA guide on the market.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatLCK, prengel90, ASLarkana, ralfy, libraian, smrikard, Hemamg, LRL2

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"An excellent (and very thorough) information source for anyone applying to MBA programs" --Sharon J. Hoffman, Associate Director and Dean of the MBA Program, Stanford Graduate School of Business How to Get into the Top MBA Programs provides a complete overview of what the top schools look for, with a step-by-step guide to the entire application process with in-depth advice from admissions directors from colleges across the country. This fully revised Sixth edition features new information on online MBA programs, comprehensive rankings of the leading schools, and new interviews with admissions officers. Readers will learn how to    * Develop an optimal marketing strategy    * Assess and upgrade their credentials    * Choose the right program    * Write quality essays for maximum impact    * Choose and manage their recommenders    * Ace their interviews    * Prepare for business school and get the most out of their chosen program  With expanded coverage of Asian programs, North American accelerated programs, and the latest insights on the new GMATs and GREs, How to Get into the Top MBA Programs is the most comprehensive, trusted MBA guide on the market.

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