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The Contemporary Woman: Can she really have it all?

Tekijä: Michelle Guinness

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At a time when the status of women is still being debated and challenged, how can women play a leading role in society, the workplace and the church? Michele Guinness has been there and done that - not without opposition and not without compromise. In this all-embracing, honest reflection on womanhood Michele uses her own upbringing in the Jewish community to re-examine the views and counterviews on the role of women throughout the Christian tradition and culture, drawing inspiration from scripture, history and personal experience. The Contemporary Woman celebrates a host of women through the ages - from the great biblical matriarchs to the modern-day trailblazers - who have inherited a passionate determination to pursue God's radical call. Michele will encourage women everywhere, of every age, to follow their hearts, and inspire a new generation to discover what it means to be a woman.… (lisätietoja)

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At a time when the status of women is still being debated and challenged, how can women play a leading role in society, the workplace and the church? Michele Guinness has been there and done that - not without opposition and not without compromise. In this all-embracing, honest reflection on womanhood Michele uses her own upbringing in the Jewish community to re-examine the views and counterviews on the role of women throughout the Christian tradition and culture, drawing inspiration from scripture, history and personal experience. The Contemporary Woman celebrates a host of women through the ages - from the great biblical matriarchs to the modern-day trailblazers - who have inherited a passionate determination to pursue God's radical call. Michele will encourage women everywhere, of every age, to follow their hearts, and inspire a new generation to discover what it means to be a woman.

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