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A Calculated Risk

Tekijä: Cari Hunter

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
3-4,217,234 (4)-
Detective Jo Shaw has it all worked out. She's good at her job, she has loads of mates, and she likes being single. She doesn't need complications, but an emergency call to the stabbing of a young woman brings plenty of those. Jo has to risk her career to save the woman's life, and a bad night gets worse when the trauma surgeon turns out to be Isla Munro, Jo's only real love, who walked out on her fifteen years ago and never came back. With the victim's children missing and the husband the prime suspect, Jo's investigation is stonewalled by a community living in fear. As one dead end leads to another, she and Isla are forced to put their differences aside and work together. But the case is far more dangerous than Jo realizes, and her determination to sort the truth from the lies may put her own life on the line.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatCharon07, Aussiewoman

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Detective Jo Shaw has it all worked out. She's good at her job, she has loads of mates, and she likes being single. She doesn't need complications, but an emergency call to the stabbing of a young woman brings plenty of those. Jo has to risk her career to save the woman's life, and a bad night gets worse when the trauma surgeon turns out to be Isla Munro, Jo's only real love, who walked out on her fifteen years ago and never came back. With the victim's children missing and the husband the prime suspect, Jo's investigation is stonewalled by a community living in fear. As one dead end leads to another, she and Isla are forced to put their differences aside and work together. But the case is far more dangerous than Jo realizes, and her determination to sort the truth from the lies may put her own life on the line.

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