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My What If Year: A Memoir Tekijä: Alisha…

My What If Year: A Memoir (vuoden 2023 painos)

Tekijä: Alisha Fernandez Miranda (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
361687,710 (4.5)1
On the cusp of turning forty, Alisha Fernandez Miranda has climbed to the peak of personal and professional success, but at a price; she's overworked and exhausted. Bravely, Alisha decides to give herself a break, temporarily pausing her stressful career as the CEO of high-powered consulting firm. With the tentative blessing of her husband and eight-year-old twins, she leaves her home in London to spend one year exploring the dream jobs of her youth, seeking answers to the question, What If?… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:My What If Year: A Memoir
Kirjailijat:Alisha Fernandez Miranda (Tekijä)
Info:Zibby Books (2023), Edition: 1, 272 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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My What If Year: A Memoir (tekijä: Alisha Fernandez Miranda)


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I received a galley of this book via the publisher (not through LibraryThing), and as a lover of quirky memoirs, I was excited to dive in. The author, Alisha Fernandez Miranda, devoted a year to exploring careers she considered in her younger years, accomplishing this through doing unpaid internships in areas such as theater, hospitality, and the art world even though she was a mother of young children with a successful career. (Was there privilege and nepotism involved in her being able to create her "what if year"? Yes, but she freely admits this.) That her internships coincided with the first year of the COVID pandemic made it all much more challenging, but Miranda has still managed to create a very entertaining book out of the experience. Her observations about both herself and the various worlds she enters are compelling, and I was drawn along on her journey, eager to see how each internship adventure (and each of her challenges in between) turned out. In short, I found this a thoroughly enjoyable read. ( )
  benruth | Feb 6, 2023 |
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On the cusp of turning forty, Alisha Fernandez Miranda has climbed to the peak of personal and professional success, but at a price; she's overworked and exhausted. Bravely, Alisha decides to give herself a break, temporarily pausing her stressful career as the CEO of high-powered consulting firm. With the tentative blessing of her husband and eight-year-old twins, she leaves her home in London to spend one year exploring the dream jobs of her youth, seeking answers to the question, What If?

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