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Maven's Fractured Fairy Tales: Bubba and the…

Maven's Fractured Fairy Tales: Bubba and the beast, Mavenstiltskin, Fairy Frogmother (Maven Fairy Godmother) (vuoden 2012 painos)

Tekijä: Charlotte Henley Babb (Tekijä), Charlotte Henley Babb (Kuvittaja)

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Funny retellings of Rumpelstiltskin, Beauty and the Beast, and Frog Prince featuring Maven Fairy Godmother, a middle-aged woman who fractures each fairy tale, channeling chaos in trying to make her clients' wishes come true. Written for adults rather than children, this book satirizes these old familiar tales unexpected twists and turns. * Bubba and the Beast: Trolls need love too, but can Maven get back from Mundane in time to grant Grizelda's wish? And what about that strange frog prince that keeps hanging around?* Mavenstiltskin: The view from the other side of the gender fence is not as green as Maven expects when her wand gets her a sabbatical as Rumplestiltskin.* Fairy Frogmother: Maven gets her just desserts when a rogue fairy godmother's spell turns her into a frog. It isn't easy being green when lives are at stake and must be saved before sundown. Three fractured fairy tales to bring you a smile from the author of Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil. These are stories from that universe that do not have spoilers for the novel.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Maven's Fractured Fairy Tales: Bubba and the beast, Mavenstiltskin, Fairy Frogmother (Maven Fairy Godmother)
Kirjailijat:Charlotte Henley Babb (Tekijä)
Muut tekijät:Charlotte Henley Babb (Kuvittaja)
Info:Independently published (2012), 63 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:fractured fairy tales, redneck, beanstalk, frog, humor, Rumpelstiltskin


Maven's Fractured Fairy Tales: Bubba and the beast, Mavenstiltskin, Fairy Frogmother (Maven Fairy Godmother) (tekijä: Charlotte Henley Babb)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatCharlotte_Babb

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Funny retellings of Rumpelstiltskin, Beauty and the Beast, and Frog Prince featuring Maven Fairy Godmother, a middle-aged woman who fractures each fairy tale, channeling chaos in trying to make her clients' wishes come true. Written for adults rather than children, this book satirizes these old familiar tales unexpected twists and turns. * Bubba and the Beast: Trolls need love too, but can Maven get back from Mundane in time to grant Grizelda's wish? And what about that strange frog prince that keeps hanging around?* Mavenstiltskin: The view from the other side of the gender fence is not as green as Maven expects when her wand gets her a sabbatical as Rumplestiltskin.* Fairy Frogmother: Maven gets her just desserts when a rogue fairy godmother's spell turns her into a frog. It isn't easy being green when lives are at stake and must be saved before sundown. Three fractured fairy tales to bring you a smile from the author of Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil. These are stories from that universe that do not have spoilers for the novel.

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