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Spectres of Antiquity: Classical Literature and the Gothic, 1740-1830

Tekijä: James Uden

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Gothic literature imagines the return of ghosts from the past. What about the classical past? 'Spectres of Antiquity' is full-length study describing the relationship between Greek & Roman culture & the Gothic novels, poetry, & drama of the 18th & early-19th century. Rather than simply representing the opposite of classical aesthetics & ideas, the Gothic emerged from an awareness of the lingering power of antiquity, & it irreverently fractures & deconstructs classical images & ideas. The Gothic also reflects a new vision of the ancient world: no longer inspiring modernity through its examples, antiquity has become a ghost, haunting & oppressing contemporary minds rather than guiding them. Through readings of canonical works by authors including Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe, Matthew Lewis, & Mary Shelley, the text argues that these authors' ghostly plots & ideas preserve the remembered traces of Greece & Rome.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMinervaBooks, chriscross

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Gothic literature imagines the return of ghosts from the past. What about the classical past? 'Spectres of Antiquity' is full-length study describing the relationship between Greek & Roman culture & the Gothic novels, poetry, & drama of the 18th & early-19th century. Rather than simply representing the opposite of classical aesthetics & ideas, the Gothic emerged from an awareness of the lingering power of antiquity, & it irreverently fractures & deconstructs classical images & ideas. The Gothic also reflects a new vision of the ancient world: no longer inspiring modernity through its examples, antiquity has become a ghost, haunting & oppressing contemporary minds rather than guiding them. Through readings of canonical works by authors including Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe, Matthew Lewis, & Mary Shelley, the text argues that these authors' ghostly plots & ideas preserve the remembered traces of Greece & Rome.

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