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Pure Wit: The Revolutionary Life of Margaret…

Pure Wit: The Revolutionary Life of Margaret Cavendish (vuoden 2024 painos)

Tekijä: Francesca Peacock (Tekijä)

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402627,994 (4.13)9
"Margaret Cavendish, then Lucas, was born in 1623 to an aristocratic family. In 1644, as England descended into civil war, she joined the court of the formidable Queen Henrietta Maria at Oxford. With the rest of the court she went into self-imposed exile in France. Her family's wealth and lands were forfeited by Parliament. It was in France that she met her partner, William Cavendish, Marquess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a marriage that made her the Duchess of Newcastle and would remain at the heart of both her life and career. Margaret was a passionate writer. She wrote extensively on gender, science, philosophy, and published under her own name at a time when women simply did not do so. Her greatest work was The Blazing World, published in 1666, a utopian proto-novel that is thought to be one of the earliest works of science fiction that brought together Margaret's talents in poetry, philosophy, and science. Yet hers is a legacy that has long divided opinion, and history has largely forgotten her, an undeserved fate for a brilliant, courageous proto-feminist. In Pure Wit, Francesca Peacock remedies this omission and shines a spotlight on the fascinating, pioneering, yet often complex and controversial life, of the multi-faceted Margaret Cavendish."--Amazon.com… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Pure Wit: The Revolutionary Life of Margaret Cavendish
Kirjailijat:Francesca Peacock (Tekijä)
Info:Pegasus Books (2024), 358 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Aion lukea
Arvio (tähdet):


Pure Wit: The Revolutionary Life of Margaret Cavendish (tekijä: Francesca Peacock)

History (63)

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» Katso myös 9 mainintaa

A fascinating exploration of a rare, early, female philosopher and her work, Margaret Cavendish. Peacock is not shy to include the complex and contradictory personality of the Duchess of Newcastle. Shy, flamboyant (no, not a typo), prolific as a writer in many forms. A 17th Century one off, who was driven to write, in hope that her words would be what would outlive her.

Ahead of her time, with beliefs and behaviours that could see her described as a feminist, philosopher, explorer of science, acknowledger of a sexual spectrum, but rarely without contradiction not far from her skirts.

There is the occasional flatter section, and repetition, but certainly I suspect most readers will, like me, want to read some of the subject's work (despite Virginia Woolf not being a fan!).

Thanks to Beth (BLBera) for bringing it to my attention, from reading a volume of essays by Siri Hustvedt who has long been interested in her. ( )
  Caroline_McElwee | Mar 1, 2024 |
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"Margaret Cavendish, then Lucas, was born in 1623 to an aristocratic family. In 1644, as England descended into civil war, she joined the court of the formidable Queen Henrietta Maria at Oxford. With the rest of the court she went into self-imposed exile in France. Her family's wealth and lands were forfeited by Parliament. It was in France that she met her partner, William Cavendish, Marquess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a marriage that made her the Duchess of Newcastle and would remain at the heart of both her life and career. Margaret was a passionate writer. She wrote extensively on gender, science, philosophy, and published under her own name at a time when women simply did not do so. Her greatest work was The Blazing World, published in 1666, a utopian proto-novel that is thought to be one of the earliest works of science fiction that brought together Margaret's talents in poetry, philosophy, and science. Yet hers is a legacy that has long divided opinion, and history has largely forgotten her, an undeserved fate for a brilliant, courageous proto-feminist. In Pure Wit, Francesca Peacock remedies this omission and shines a spotlight on the fascinating, pioneering, yet often complex and controversial life, of the multi-faceted Margaret Cavendish."--Amazon.com

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