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Tekijä: Kris Bryant

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10-1,877,666 (4)-
Once the first female quarterback of her high school team, Sutton McCoy has since landed her dream job as the offensive coordinator for the new NFL team the Connecticut Cheetahs. When the team recruits established quarterback Grayson Moats to lead them, Sutton's heart is crushed. Grayson isn't the problem. Sutton's fifteen-year crush on his wife, Parker O'Neal, is. Parker is living a life full of regrets dating all the way back to high school when her parents made her end her relationship with Sutton because there were too many rumors about her, not all of them good. When Grayson accepts the new quarterback position with the Cheetahs, he consults Parker first, knowing the three of them have history. But it's not like she can tell him the truth, that Sutton still occupies so much of Parker's head and heart.Interfering in the personal life of the star quarterback and convincing Parker to walk away from her family were never in Sutton's game plan. But standing on the sidelines when a second chance at true love comes their way proves all but impossible.… (lisätietoja)

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Once the first female quarterback of her high school team, Sutton McCoy has since landed her dream job as the offensive coordinator for the new NFL team the Connecticut Cheetahs. When the team recruits established quarterback Grayson Moats to lead them, Sutton's heart is crushed. Grayson isn't the problem. Sutton's fifteen-year crush on his wife, Parker O'Neal, is. Parker is living a life full of regrets dating all the way back to high school when her parents made her end her relationship with Sutton because there were too many rumors about her, not all of them good. When Grayson accepts the new quarterback position with the Cheetahs, he consults Parker first, knowing the three of them have history. But it's not like she can tell him the truth, that Sutton still occupies so much of Parker's head and heart.Interfering in the personal life of the star quarterback and convincing Parker to walk away from her family were never in Sutton's game plan. But standing on the sidelines when a second chance at true love comes their way proves all but impossible.

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