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Carey Price (Amazing Hockey Stories)

Tekijä: Lorna Schultz Nicholson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"Meet the amazing Carey Price! Montreal fans love their seven-time All-Star and so will you, after eading his incredible story! Born in Anihim Lake, British Columbia, and a member of the Ulkatch First Nation, Carey Price grew up spending much of his time outdoors - hunting, fishing and riding horses. He didn't start playing organized hockey until he was he nine years old, but made up for a late start, becoming one of the best goalies in the NHL playing many spectacular seasons for the Montreal Canadiens. Carey has won everything from the Calder Cup to the Venzina Trophy, and from the Indspire Award to Olympic Gold! Pack with photos and including 16 pages of hockey action comic sequences, this full-colour, easy-to-read biography will teach fans all about how Carey Price became a player known for taking care of the net, his team, and himself in a way that is uniquely his own."--Publisher.… (lisätietoja)

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"Meet the amazing Carey Price! Montreal fans love their seven-time All-Star and so will you, after eading his incredible story! Born in Anihim Lake, British Columbia, and a member of the Ulkatch First Nation, Carey Price grew up spending much of his time outdoors - hunting, fishing and riding horses. He didn't start playing organized hockey until he was he nine years old, but made up for a late start, becoming one of the best goalies in the NHL playing many spectacular seasons for the Montreal Canadiens. Carey has won everything from the Calder Cup to the Venzina Trophy, and from the Indspire Award to Olympic Gold! Pack with photos and including 16 pages of hockey action comic sequences, this full-colour, easy-to-read biography will teach fans all about how Carey Price became a player known for taking care of the net, his team, and himself in a way that is uniquely his own."--Publisher.

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