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The New Cooks' Catalogue

Tekijä: Burt Wolf

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
134-206,752 (3.75)-
Updated, expanded, thoroughly revised, and now in full color--the definitive guide to cooking equipment and utensils This book offers detailed evaluations of more than a thousand items of kitchen equipment--from paring knives to grill pans to espresso machines--providing you with practical information about brands, models, size, function, and performance. Each entry is accompanied by a color photograph and includes features and tips on care and usage. Also included are sections on what to look for when purchasing, as well as recipes and sidebars by more than a hundred culinary celebrities. Whether you are setting up a kitchen for the first time or adding to a long-standing collection, you will findThe New Cooks' Cataloguean invaluable and entertaining guide to making the right selections. Contributors  include: Bruce Aidells Lidia Matticchio Bastianich Mario Batali Michael & Ariane Batterberry Rick Bayless Daniel Boulud Terrance Brennan Giuliano Bugialli David Burke Penelope Casas Helen Chen Julia Child Bernard Clayton Shirley Corriher Marion Cunningham Ariane Daguin Rocco DiSpirito Alain Ducasse Florence Fabricant Susanna Foo Larry Forgione Edward Giobbi Dorie Greenspan Jessica B. Harris Marcella Hazan Maida Heatter Pierre Hermé Ken Hom Dr. Ernesto Illy Steven Jenkins Thomas Keller Gray Kunz Daniel Leader Sarabeth Levine Michael Lomonaco Nobu Matsuhisa Michael McCarty Danny Meyer Joan Nathan François Payard Jacques Pépin James Peterson Alfred Portale Paul Prudhomme Eric Ripert Claudia Roden Douglas Rodriguez Michael Romano Julie Sahni Marcus Samuelsson Nancy Silverton Raymond Sokolov André Soltner Jane & Michael Stern Christopher Styler Jacques Torres Barbara Tropp Margaret Visser Jean-Georges Vongerichten Alice Waters Nach Waxman Jasper White Paula Wolfert Kevin Zraly… (lisätietoja)

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Updated, expanded, thoroughly revised, and now in full color--the definitive guide to cooking equipment and utensils This book offers detailed evaluations of more than a thousand items of kitchen equipment--from paring knives to grill pans to espresso machines--providing you with practical information about brands, models, size, function, and performance. Each entry is accompanied by a color photograph and includes features and tips on care and usage. Also included are sections on what to look for when purchasing, as well as recipes and sidebars by more than a hundred culinary celebrities. Whether you are setting up a kitchen for the first time or adding to a long-standing collection, you will findThe New Cooks' Cataloguean invaluable and entertaining guide to making the right selections. Contributors  include: Bruce Aidells Lidia Matticchio Bastianich Mario Batali Michael & Ariane Batterberry Rick Bayless Daniel Boulud Terrance Brennan Giuliano Bugialli David Burke Penelope Casas Helen Chen Julia Child Bernard Clayton Shirley Corriher Marion Cunningham Ariane Daguin Rocco DiSpirito Alain Ducasse Florence Fabricant Susanna Foo Larry Forgione Edward Giobbi Dorie Greenspan Jessica B. Harris Marcella Hazan Maida Heatter Pierre Hermé Ken Hom Dr. Ernesto Illy Steven Jenkins Thomas Keller Gray Kunz Daniel Leader Sarabeth Levine Michael Lomonaco Nobu Matsuhisa Michael McCarty Danny Meyer Joan Nathan François Payard Jacques Pépin James Peterson Alfred Portale Paul Prudhomme Eric Ripert Claudia Roden Douglas Rodriguez Michael Romano Julie Sahni Marcus Samuelsson Nancy Silverton Raymond Sokolov André Soltner Jane & Michael Stern Christopher Styler Jacques Torres Barbara Tropp Margaret Visser Jean-Georges Vongerichten Alice Waters Nach Waxman Jasper White Paula Wolfert Kevin Zraly

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