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Scaffolding Academic Literacy with Low-Proficiency Users of English

Tekijä: Simon Green

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"This is a thought-provoking examination of pedagogies to promote academic literacy in the context of lower-proficiency L2 students of English. Maintaining a judicious balance between theory and practice, Green draws on a range of research focusing on international students and on higher education, including work on the concept of academic literacy, and on the English for general academic purposes (EGAP) vs. English for specific academic purposes (ESAP) debate. He also cites his own experience of teaching in Oman and an academic literacy research project conducted there amongst learners with IELTS scores as low as 4.0. An interesting and ultimately inspiring read." --Nigel Harwood, University of Sheffield, UK This book analyses the development of academic literacy in low-proficiency users of English in the Middle East. It highlights the challenges faced by students entering undergraduate education in the region, and the strategies used by teachers to overcome them. The author focuses on a large-scale undergraduate teacher programme run in Oman by the University of Leeds, providing clear pointers both for future research and effective practice. He also explores the implications of his findings for countries beyond the Gulf Cooperation Council, demonstrating how international participation in UK HE could be much wider. This book will appeal to students and scholars with an interest in academic literacies and English for Academic Purposes. Simon Green is Associate Professor in Language Education at the University of Leeds, UK.… (lisätietoja)

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"This is a thought-provoking examination of pedagogies to promote academic literacy in the context of lower-proficiency L2 students of English. Maintaining a judicious balance between theory and practice, Green draws on a range of research focusing on international students and on higher education, including work on the concept of academic literacy, and on the English for general academic purposes (EGAP) vs. English for specific academic purposes (ESAP) debate. He also cites his own experience of teaching in Oman and an academic literacy research project conducted there amongst learners with IELTS scores as low as 4.0. An interesting and ultimately inspiring read." --Nigel Harwood, University of Sheffield, UK This book analyses the development of academic literacy in low-proficiency users of English in the Middle East. It highlights the challenges faced by students entering undergraduate education in the region, and the strategies used by teachers to overcome them. The author focuses on a large-scale undergraduate teacher programme run in Oman by the University of Leeds, providing clear pointers both for future research and effective practice. He also explores the implications of his findings for countries beyond the Gulf Cooperation Council, demonstrating how international participation in UK HE could be much wider. This book will appeal to students and scholars with an interest in academic literacies and English for Academic Purposes. Simon Green is Associate Professor in Language Education at the University of Leeds, UK.

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