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Ride the Wave Love Sofia and Haole the Surf Dog (1)

Tekijä: Margaret O'Hair

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
How do we show our children that they CAN make their dreams a reality? RIDE THE WAVE, LOVE SOFIA AND HAOLE THE SURF DOG is the true story of Sofia Sanchez, a little girl with Down syndrome, who learned how to surf by riding the waves in the Pacific Ocean with Haole the Surf Dog. Sofia takes you on her personal journey of dreaming big and never giving up. Gorgeous full color pictures illustrate her path from her dream of being a Surfer Girl, to the journey of how it actually happens.Most of all, she proves that being yourself and never giving up on your dream, is the best magic power of all. The perfect book for anyone who believes in dreams, for anyone who wants to share a story about believing with a the child in their life, for anyone who has ever felt the power of the love of a dog.Join Sofia and Haole how they make a dream come true, and inspire us as we watch them on their journey of riding the wave!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMcoleman325

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How do we show our children that they CAN make their dreams a reality? RIDE THE WAVE, LOVE SOFIA AND HAOLE THE SURF DOG is the true story of Sofia Sanchez, a little girl with Down syndrome, who learned how to surf by riding the waves in the Pacific Ocean with Haole the Surf Dog. Sofia takes you on her personal journey of dreaming big and never giving up. Gorgeous full color pictures illustrate her path from her dream of being a Surfer Girl, to the journey of how it actually happens.Most of all, she proves that being yourself and never giving up on your dream, is the best magic power of all. The perfect book for anyone who believes in dreams, for anyone who wants to share a story about believing with a the child in their life, for anyone who has ever felt the power of the love of a dog.Join Sofia and Haole how they make a dream come true, and inspire us as we watch them on their journey of riding the wave!

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