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How I'll Kill You Tekijä: Ren DeStefano

How I'll Kill You (vuoden 2024 painos)

Tekijä: Ren DeStefano (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
958289,347 (3.63)16
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:Your next stay-up-all-night thriller, about identical triplets who have a nasty habit of killing their boyfriends, and what happens when the youngest commits their worst crime yet: falling in love with her mark.
Make him want you.
/> Make him love you.
Make him dead.
Sissy has an...interesting family. Always the careful one, always the cautious one, she has handled the cleanup while her serial killer sisters have carved a path of carnage across the U.S. Now, as they arrive in the Arizona heat, Sissy must step up and embrace the family pastime of making a man fall in love and then murdering him. Her first target? A young widower named Edison??and their mutual attraction is instant. While their relationship progresses, and most couples would be thinking about picking out china patterns and moving in together, Sissy??s family is reminding her to think about picking out burial sites and moving on. 
Then something happens that Sissy never anticipated: She begins to feel protective of Edison, and before she can help it, she??s fallen in love. But the clock is ticking, and her sisters are growing restless. It becomes clear that the gravesite she chooses will hide a body no matter what happens; but if she betrays her family, will it… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:How I'll Kill You
Kirjailijat:Ren DeStefano (Tekijä)
Info:Berkley (2024), 368 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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How I'll Kill You (tekijä: Ren DeStefano)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
How I'll Kill You had an interesting premise and I was anticipating a wild ride. But that was nothing like the reality. Sigh! Unfortunately, I couldn't even make it halfway through this book. By the time I called it quits, nothing had really happened and I was getting frustrated by the annoying dialogue and the lack of plot.

At first, I thought I could just plow through this, but in reality, there were just too many plot holes for me to keep going. The girls deliberately picked a small town to try to fit into, but that whole concept made me frustrate and I wondered if the author had ever lived in small town. I have, and believe me, it is not easy to go unnoticed in such a place where everyone know everyone and their business. You can't just walk into such a place and go "My Aunt Sophie who lived on such and such a street died and left me a fortune and we are trying to work out things with a lawyer", as everyone will know who Aunt Sophie is. But that is exactly what happened in this book. No one ever questioned Sissy's story. Really? Not buying it.

The biggest problem I had was developing sympathy for the characters. I don't necessarily have to like them, but understanding why they do the things they do and what happened to them often develops sympathy even if you don't agree with their actions. The way the story was told actually left me feeling detached and I wasn't feeling very empathetic towards any of them. In fact, by the time I DNF the book, I was visualizing Aron Beauregard showing up and sending them to play in the town's Playground to finish them all off. That's how annoyed I was.

How I'll Kill You didn't live up to the tension and suspense that was promised. Unfortunately, the story is full of prose that meanders all over the place and characters that I didn't find that interesting or memorable, were actually kind of shallow and one-dimensional. I did think the author had a great idea and would like to see what kind of work is produced in the future, but for me, this one ended up being more of a love story rather than a thriller, but one that was shallow and didn't really have any emotional depth. I really tried to give this one a shot, but I just couldn't. ( )
  StephanieBN | Aug 2, 2023 |
HOW I’ll KILL YOU has a unique premise and would be a nightmare for law enforcement everywhere, with identical triplet beautiful psychopathic serial killers.

They find their victims through love, since taking someone’s life that loves you is the ultimate test in forever passion.
The two “older” sisters have 3 kills each under their belt and now it’s time for 25yo virgin Sissy, to join this demented game of love and death.

Sissy has cleaned up her sisters bloody messes each time, but now that she has found her mark and he has fallen in love with her…she finds herself wavering on if she could pull off the ultimate love test her sisters have mastered.
Love isn’t so simple after all and things don’t always work out as planned.

Dark thriller and I loved the triplets. The ending wasn’t as surprising as I would have hoped but it was still overall a very fun read!

Thanks to @prhaudio for the gifted copy. Karissa Vacker does a phenomenal job playing the part of Sissy. ( )
  GeauxGetLit | May 27, 2023 |
I loved this book. So much. Absolutely genius idea, written so well. ( )
  ReneeGreen | Apr 27, 2023 |
This was 100% a dark psychological thriller, it may even find a place into the dark romance genre. Either way you look at it, it was very different from anything I have read in the genera. Can you say nuts? Can you say psychotic? The three identical triplet sisters are so ready to be locked up and the key thrown away. The plot is intense to put it mildly. Three sisters that are serial killers. Sissy is the only sister that has yet to kill out if the three and she’s being pushed to make her first kill. Enter Edison. The minute Sissy spots Edison, she gets the feeling that he is the one. She stalks him and manages to catch his attention by singing at the church he attends. Their relationship progresses quickly from there. Sissy helps Edison when he breaks his sobriety; he’s an alcoholic who has been sober for years. What she didn't count on was falling in love. The triplets take all these murders...and there are LOTS...to a level that I don't think anyone that isn't behind prison walls could possibly relate to. Also, to really make this storyline work, most readers would need to have the victims be people that they didn't have any feelings for. The book is very graphic in its descriptions of how Sissy handles a cleanup job, so if you are the least bit squeamish, be prepared. ( )
  Carol420 | Apr 3, 2023 |
How I'll Kill You is the tale of identical triplet sisters who were abandoned as babies and grew up in foster care, sometimes separated and sometimes two of them together. Sissy, Iris, and Moody had difficult lives and had to become scrappy and wise to get by. At some point, this took a turn towards murder. Thus far, Iris and Moody have been the ones to commit the murders and Sissy is the clean-up person. Now, it's Sissy's turn for her first kill, and the rule is that they can only kill their boyfriends/lovers. She takes on the identity of Jade, and she meets Edison. But she never anticipated that she would have real feelings for him. Can she go through with it or will she go along with her sisters, the only stable relationships she has ever had?

This is certainly a unique storyline, and I honestly didn't have buy in about it until the end. I was really puzzled about the motivation throughout, although that becomes a bit clearer as the story progresses. Some of the characters are well developed and intriguing, I was rooting for Sissy/Jade and only wanted things to work out well for her. Yet I never really got a good feel for her sisters, who just popped in and out at will and seemed more like caricatures than real people. . There's definitely the murder/killing aspect, but there's also some pretty steamy romance, as well as a lot of family drama. It's quite darker than I was initially expecting based on the description and the cover.

Overall, this is an intriguing debut, fairly fast-paced, but despite its outlandish premise, I'm not sure I'll remember much of it for long. ( )
  nicole.rivera | Mar 31, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:Your next stay-up-all-night thriller, about identical triplets who have a nasty habit of killing their boyfriends, and what happens when the youngest commits their worst crime yet: falling in love with her mark.
Make him want you.
Make him love you.
Make him dead.
Sissy has an...interesting family. Always the careful one, always the cautious one, she has handled the cleanup while her serial killer sisters have carved a path of carnage across the U.S. Now, as they arrive in the Arizona heat, Sissy must step up and embrace the family pastime of making a man fall in love and then murdering him. Her first target? A young widower named Edison??and their mutual attraction is instant. While their relationship progresses, and most couples would be thinking about picking out china patterns and moving in together, Sissy??s family is reminding her to think about picking out burial sites and moving on. 
Then something happens that Sissy never anticipated: She begins to feel protective of Edison, and before she can help it, she??s fallen in love. But the clock is ticking, and her sisters are growing restless. It becomes clear that the gravesite she chooses will hide a body no matter what happens; but if she betrays her family, will it

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