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Lead Like It Matters: 7 Leadership Principles for a Church That Lasts

Tekijä: Craig Groeschel

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42-603,018 (4)-
Discover the secret to igniting a life-giving, soul-transforming, people-inspiring movement in your organization, church, or ministry. New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life. Church, an innovative multisite church known around the world and an organization that Glassdoor has named a #1 U.S. Best Place to Work. But it didn't happen by accident. In 1996, a handful of congregants worshipped together in a two-car garage. Today, the church welcomes tens of thousands of attendees in multiple states across the country and globally at Life. Church Online. Lead Like It Matters presents Groeschel's transformative insights on how to effectively build a thriving, enduring ministry and organization. Using his skills as a top leader, he combines straight-talk and wry honesty with biblical and leadership principles to equip you with the tools to: - Recognize when your organization or ministry has the indefinable but tangible "it" that leads to success - Identify and implement seven leadership principles for a church that lasts - Ignite a fire in your team to leave behind "what we've always done" for the meaningful ministry you know is possible - Discover the three areas every leader must master for success Lead Like It Matters reveals the secret for building ministry momentum and then keeping it going.… (lisätietoja)

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Discover the secret to igniting a life-giving, soul-transforming, people-inspiring movement in your organization, church, or ministry. New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life. Church, an innovative multisite church known around the world and an organization that Glassdoor has named a #1 U.S. Best Place to Work. But it didn't happen by accident. In 1996, a handful of congregants worshipped together in a two-car garage. Today, the church welcomes tens of thousands of attendees in multiple states across the country and globally at Life. Church Online. Lead Like It Matters presents Groeschel's transformative insights on how to effectively build a thriving, enduring ministry and organization. Using his skills as a top leader, he combines straight-talk and wry honesty with biblical and leadership principles to equip you with the tools to: - Recognize when your organization or ministry has the indefinable but tangible "it" that leads to success - Identify and implement seven leadership principles for a church that lasts - Ignite a fire in your team to leave behind "what we've always done" for the meaningful ministry you know is possible - Discover the three areas every leader must master for success Lead Like It Matters reveals the secret for building ministry momentum and then keeping it going.

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