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The Rape of Persephone

Tekijä: Monica Brillhart

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"Crete, 1694 BCE. They call her Kore, nameless term for girl. But Kore is no mere girl. She is the blossoming daughter of Demeter, High Priestess of Knossos, and Zeus of Olympus, famed liberator who led the Titan War. Stripped of identity at birth, Kore was sworn to the gods as a virgin priestess. When Kore vanishes amidst the turmoil of a quaking earth, Demeter launches a desperate search for a girl who does not wish to be found. For Kore has not vanished. She has escaped. Her quest for independence quickly lands Kore inside a much firmer grip. Hades of Erebus, her cold but captivating uncle, rules the southernmost mainland. Notorious for judgment, atonement, and godlike abilities that earn him the name "the Unseen," Hades will one day be immortalized as a god, like her father. Wildly smitten, Kore trusts her uncle's promise: Soon, he will let her go. Does girlish infatuation overshadow the truth? Hades exhibits no urgency in releasing this "Kore." In fact, a secretive Hades has other plans. Plans that give rise to a powerful new destiny."… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Crete, 1694 BCE. They call her Kore, nameless term for girl. But Kore is no mere girl. She is the blossoming daughter of Demeter, High Priestess of Knossos, and Zeus of Olympus, famed liberator who led the Titan War. Stripped of identity at birth, Kore was sworn to the gods as a virgin priestess. When Kore vanishes amidst the turmoil of a quaking earth, Demeter launches a desperate search for a girl who does not wish to be found. For Kore has not vanished. She has escaped. Her quest for independence quickly lands Kore inside a much firmer grip. Hades of Erebus, her cold but captivating uncle, rules the southernmost mainland. Notorious for judgment, atonement, and godlike abilities that earn him the name "the Unseen," Hades will one day be immortalized as a god, like her father. Wildly smitten, Kore trusts her uncle's promise: Soon, he will let her go. Does girlish infatuation overshadow the truth? Hades exhibits no urgency in releasing this "Kore." In fact, a secretive Hades has other plans. Plans that give rise to a powerful new destiny."

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