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Breathe Bible New Testament NLT MP3, MP3 (Audio CD)

Tekijä: Tyndale

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The Breathe Bible Audio New Testament is a remarkably vivid listening experience that transports you into the world of the Bible. Performed in the New Living Translation by a cast of internationally acclaimed film, television and recording artists, this captivating multi-million dollar audio production features cinema-quality sound with an original music score. It's an experience you will never forget. The Breathe Bible Audio New Testament--"It's like being there." Not only are there 4 MP3 CDs included in this premium audio product, it also includes a code to receive the user friendly mobile App for free Listen however you like Created by an award-winning team, this dramatic production features a cast of leading Hollywood entertainers, over 80 supporting actors, a full-orchestral score, and cutting-edge sound design. Stars of stage and film such as Kevin Sorbo (Voice of God), Josh Lucas (Jesus), John Rhys-Davies (narrator), Jesse McCartney (Matthew), Hill Harper (Mark), Corbin Bleu (John), Christian Stolte (Luke), Marshall Allman (John the Baptist), Wintley Phipps (Peter), and Bailee Madison (Young Mary Mother of Jesus) headline this $2 million production, bringing a new level of excitement to the forefront of Bible audio innovation. Features the New Living Translation, the first translation created to be read aloud.… (lisätietoja)

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The Breathe Bible Audio New Testament is a remarkably vivid listening experience that transports you into the world of the Bible. Performed in the New Living Translation by a cast of internationally acclaimed film, television and recording artists, this captivating multi-million dollar audio production features cinema-quality sound with an original music score. It's an experience you will never forget. The Breathe Bible Audio New Testament--"It's like being there." Not only are there 4 MP3 CDs included in this premium audio product, it also includes a code to receive the user friendly mobile App for free Listen however you like Created by an award-winning team, this dramatic production features a cast of leading Hollywood entertainers, over 80 supporting actors, a full-orchestral score, and cutting-edge sound design. Stars of stage and film such as Kevin Sorbo (Voice of God), Josh Lucas (Jesus), John Rhys-Davies (narrator), Jesse McCartney (Matthew), Hill Harper (Mark), Corbin Bleu (John), Christian Stolte (Luke), Marshall Allman (John the Baptist), Wintley Phipps (Peter), and Bailee Madison (Young Mary Mother of Jesus) headline this $2 million production, bringing a new level of excitement to the forefront of Bible audio innovation. Features the New Living Translation, the first translation created to be read aloud.

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