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Understanding Research: Becoming a Competent and Critical Consumer

Tekijä: W. Paul Jones

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20-1,108,492 (4)-
Beginning with Chapter Two, every chapter in the text emulates a standard published research report. o Readers will learn how to read and evaluate research questions, hypotheses, and the literature review (Chapter Two). o Readers will learn how to effectively evaluate the appropriateness of the sample used in the study (Chapter Three). o Readers will firstly apply principles of logic to evaluate research design and measurement tools (Chapter Four). o Readers learn how to discern results of a research report, including the statistics involved (Chapter Five). o Readers then evaluate the summarization of the researchers' findings (Chapter Six). The final chapter gives readers the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a "do-it-yourself" fashion. Chapter Seven is a full exercise on research practice and evaluation allowing readers to try their hand at two different approaches to the research process. Reflective Exercises and An Exercise for Review located throughout the text--allow readers to think critically about the subject and apply what they are learning. See a few examples on pages 40, 56, 110. Answers to the Reflective Exercises are found at the back of every chapter. Three sample research studies can be found at the end of the text. o Appendix A is a comparative study of three methods used to present ethics to practicum students earning their master's degrees in mental health. o Appendix B is a case study outlining a research project that asks, "Can schools be vehicles for improving race relations?" o Appendix C outlines a study involving college-age students that looks at the relationship to procrastination and efficacy expectations, feelings of anxiety, and gender.… (lisätietoja)

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Beginning with Chapter Two, every chapter in the text emulates a standard published research report. o Readers will learn how to read and evaluate research questions, hypotheses, and the literature review (Chapter Two). o Readers will learn how to effectively evaluate the appropriateness of the sample used in the study (Chapter Three). o Readers will firstly apply principles of logic to evaluate research design and measurement tools (Chapter Four). o Readers learn how to discern results of a research report, including the statistics involved (Chapter Five). o Readers then evaluate the summarization of the researchers' findings (Chapter Six). The final chapter gives readers the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a "do-it-yourself" fashion. Chapter Seven is a full exercise on research practice and evaluation allowing readers to try their hand at two different approaches to the research process. Reflective Exercises and An Exercise for Review located throughout the text--allow readers to think critically about the subject and apply what they are learning. See a few examples on pages 40, 56, 110. Answers to the Reflective Exercises are found at the back of every chapter. Three sample research studies can be found at the end of the text. o Appendix A is a comparative study of three methods used to present ethics to practicum students earning their master's degrees in mental health. o Appendix B is a case study outlining a research project that asks, "Can schools be vehicles for improving race relations?" o Appendix C outlines a study involving college-age students that looks at the relationship to procrastination and efficacy expectations, feelings of anxiety, and gender.

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