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Almost There-A Twisted Tale Tekijä: Farrah…

Almost There-A Twisted Tale (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2022; vuoden 2022 painos)

Tekijä: Farrah Rochon (Tekijä)

Sarjat: A Twisted Tale (13)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
377-68,760 (4)-
The 13th installment in the New York Times best-selling series asks: What if Tiana made a deal that changed everything? Sometimes life in the Big Easy is tough. No one knows that better than Tiana, though she also believes that hard work can go a long way. But when the notorious Dr. Facilier backs her into a corner, she has no choice but to accept an offer that will alter the course of her life in an instant. Soon Tiana finds herself in a new reality where all her deepest desires are realized: she finally gets her restaurant, her friends are safe and sound, and most miraculous of all, her beloved father is still alive. She's got everything she's ever wanted. . . . But after a while, her hometown grows increasingly eerie, with new threats cropping up in unlikely places. Navigating through this strange new New Orleans, Tiana must work alongside Naveen and Charlotte to set things right-or risk losing everything she holds dear.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Almost There-A Twisted Tale
Kirjailijat:Farrah Rochon (Tekijä)
Info:Disney Hyperion (2022), 464 pages
Arvio (tähdet):


Almost There (tekijä: Farrah Rochon) (2022)


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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The 13th installment in the New York Times best-selling series asks: What if Tiana made a deal that changed everything? Sometimes life in the Big Easy is tough. No one knows that better than Tiana, though she also believes that hard work can go a long way. But when the notorious Dr. Facilier backs her into a corner, she has no choice but to accept an offer that will alter the course of her life in an instant. Soon Tiana finds herself in a new reality where all her deepest desires are realized: she finally gets her restaurant, her friends are safe and sound, and most miraculous of all, her beloved father is still alive. She's got everything she's ever wanted. . . . But after a while, her hometown grows increasingly eerie, with new threats cropping up in unlikely places. Navigating through this strange new New Orleans, Tiana must work alongside Naveen and Charlotte to set things right-or risk losing everything she holds dear.

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