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Pretty Dead Queens Tekijä: Alexa Donne

Pretty Dead Queens (vuoden 2022 painos)

Tekijä: Alexa Donne (Tekijä)

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858320,327 (3.88)3
Not long after seventeen-year-old Cecelia Ellis arrives to live with her estranged grandmother in a coastal California town, the high school homecoming queen is found dead and Cecelia, fearing a copycat killer is on the loose, throws herself into the investigation.
Teoksen nimi:Pretty Dead Queens
Kirjailijat:Alexa Donne (Tekijä)
Info:Crown Books for Young Readers (2022), 336 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Pretty Dead Queens (tekijä: Alexa Donne)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
* I got this book from the publisher for my honest thoughts*

I went into this book a bit hesistant cause i have recently really stuggled with unlikable main characters in thrillers this book was a delight. This book had so many buzz words that captured my like a young moving to small town after her mother death to live with author grandmother and gets got up in series of murders. This book gave me massive coxy mystery vibes. It also remidned me alot of pretty little liars and nancy drew. I also had a very hard time predicing the twists and turns and loved how there was two murders very simialr to her grandmothers books!! I read this book in less the 24 hours! I loved all the side characters and really hope this becomes a series.. A great early fall read!! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book from the publisher for my honest thoughts*

I went into this book a bit hesistant cause i have recently really stuggled with unlikable main characters in thrillers this book was a delight. This book had so many buzz words that captured my like a young moving to small town after her mother death to live with author grandmother and gets got up in series of murders. This book gave me massive coxy mystery vibes. It also remidned me alot of pretty little liars and nancy drew. I also had a very hard time predicing the twists and turns and loved how there was two murders very simialr to her grandmothers books!! I read this book in less the 24 hours! I loved all the side characters and really hope this becomes a series.. A great early fall read!! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
150 pages in, right now, I'm suspecting everyone, but at the top of my list are Ben, maybe Bronte and/or Amber, and the Sheriff (I know, bold accusation, but I feel like he's hiding something). ( )
  VanessaMarieBooks | Dec 10, 2023 |
One of my favorite YA thrillers in a while, and that's saying something because I've read quite a few strong ones this month. I really enjoyed our heroine here, and I applaud how the author has interwoven diversity without resorting to tokenism or using 🏳️‍🌈 identity as a plot point. Spooky atmosphere was a bonus for an October read. Such a fun read & my buddy Deborah and I had such fun sharing our guesses and suspicions as the mystery unfolded. Great suspense, too! Recommend.
  starlight-glimmer | Oct 26, 2023 |
This book gave me Point Horror vibes with a smattering of The Town That Dreaded Sundown. No real surprises at any of the twists, but enjoyable none the less. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jun 27, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Not long after seventeen-year-old Cecelia Ellis arrives to live with her estranged grandmother in a coastal California town, the high school homecoming queen is found dead and Cecelia, fearing a copycat killer is on the loose, throws herself into the investigation.

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