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Military service and the integration of Jews into the Roman empire

Tekijä: Raúl González Salinero

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"According to Raúl González Salinero, the plurality of religious expressions within Judaism prior to the predominance of the rabbinical current disproves the assumption according to which some Jewish customs and precepts (especially the Sabbath) prevented Jews from joining the Roman army without renouncing their ancestral culture. The military exemption occasionally granted to the Jews by the Roman authorities was compatible with their voluntary enlistment (as it was in the Hellenistic armies) in order to obtain Roman citizenship. As the sources attest, Judaism did not pose any insurmountable obstacle to integration of the Jews into the Roman world. They achieved a noteworthy presence in the Roman army by the fourth century CE, at which time the Church's influence over imperial power led to their exclusion from the militia armata"--… (lisätietoja)
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In his introduction, Raúl González-Salinero cites a recent encyclopedia of the Roman army that claims Jews never served as Roman soldiers and notes other secondary sources that, while acknowledging there were Jewish Roman soldiers, term them “renegades” or apostates. These misconceptions are due to a number of false assumptions: that Jewish religious practice would never have allowed for military service and that Jews were uniformly and implacably opposed to the Roman Empire. Military Service does not try to prove that Jews served in significant numbers in the Roman military, only that they were present, but this fact alone has an important impact not only on our understanding of ancient Judaism—and Jewishness—but also on that of Rome and the Roman army.

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"According to Raúl González Salinero, the plurality of religious expressions within Judaism prior to the predominance of the rabbinical current disproves the assumption according to which some Jewish customs and precepts (especially the Sabbath) prevented Jews from joining the Roman army without renouncing their ancestral culture. The military exemption occasionally granted to the Jews by the Roman authorities was compatible with their voluntary enlistment (as it was in the Hellenistic armies) in order to obtain Roman citizenship. As the sources attest, Judaism did not pose any insurmountable obstacle to integration of the Jews into the Roman world. They achieved a noteworthy presence in the Roman army by the fourth century CE, at which time the Church's influence over imperial power led to their exclusion from the militia armata"--

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