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Dragon's Tribute

Tekijä: Margaret L. Carter

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
7-2,411,265 (3.17)-
Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

When her village offers Rowena as a sacrifice to the dragon who terrorizes the countryside, she expects a quick death. Instead, the dragon claims her for his mate and her adventure begins.But she disobeys him, yielding to her longing to see her family once more, and disaster strikes.Rowena and her dragon must fight for their very lives.

Review quotes for Dragon's Tribute by Margaret L. Carter

"Dragons and sacrifices, hidden pasts and secrets, this book has all the aspects of a wonderful story." —Angel Brewer, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

"This is a very well done paranormal romance with exciting love scenes." —Lisa Wine, The Romance Studio

"...[A] great read that shows how trust and honesty are essential to a relationship. ...[A] good choice for readers who love fairy tales with a spicy kick." —Renee, Sizzling Romances

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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

When her village offers Rowena as a sacrifice to the dragon who terrorizes the countryside, she expects a quick death. Instead, the dragon claims her for his mate and her adventure begins.But she disobeys him, yielding to her longing to see her family once more, and disaster strikes.Rowena and her dragon must fight for their very lives.

Review quotes for Dragon's Tribute by Margaret L. Carter

"Dragons and sacrifices, hidden pasts and secrets, this book has all the aspects of a wonderful story." —Angel Brewer, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

"This is a very well done paranormal romance with exciting love scenes." —Lisa Wine, The Romance Studio

"...[A] great read that shows how trust and honesty are essential to a relationship. ...[A] good choice for readers who love fairy tales with a spicy kick." —Renee, Sizzling Romances


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Keskiarvo: (3.17)
3 2
3.5 1

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