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Canvas: A Portrait of Jesus Student Guide

Tekijä: David deSilva

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
We recognize the challenges churches face in engaging high school teens in deeper faith formation. Made up of 5 4-week studies, Canvas will captivate your students as they experience and explore the theological beliefs and foundational concepts that ground their faith.By working together to learn from history, tradition, and the Bible, students will uncover a portrait of God that will be an inspirational foundation to their own journey.This undated resource is designed to empower students to lead the lessons themselves, thus drawing students to not only learn about their faith, but put it into practice by serving and teaching others.Flexible to use as a continuation of confirmation, a small group resource, or student leadership resource. Canvas will inspire your students to paint the picture of their faith.Since the earliest days of Christianity, people of faith have been trying to comprehend the nature of Jesus. Many of the earliest debates and conflicts in Church history centered around Jesus being both fully human and fully divine. In Canvas: A Portrait of Jesus, your students will dive into the heart of these foundational conversations to see what the early Church had to say about who Jesus was. Throughout this four-week study, students will explore the power of the resurrection, Jesus' role in creation, and why it is so important that Jesus became human and lived among us.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMoravianResources

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We recognize the challenges churches face in engaging high school teens in deeper faith formation. Made up of 5 4-week studies, Canvas will captivate your students as they experience and explore the theological beliefs and foundational concepts that ground their faith.By working together to learn from history, tradition, and the Bible, students will uncover a portrait of God that will be an inspirational foundation to their own journey.This undated resource is designed to empower students to lead the lessons themselves, thus drawing students to not only learn about their faith, but put it into practice by serving and teaching others.Flexible to use as a continuation of confirmation, a small group resource, or student leadership resource. Canvas will inspire your students to paint the picture of their faith.Since the earliest days of Christianity, people of faith have been trying to comprehend the nature of Jesus. Many of the earliest debates and conflicts in Church history centered around Jesus being both fully human and fully divine. In Canvas: A Portrait of Jesus, your students will dive into the heart of these foundational conversations to see what the early Church had to say about who Jesus was. Throughout this four-week study, students will explore the power of the resurrection, Jesus' role in creation, and why it is so important that Jesus became human and lived among us.

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