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Sculpting Space in the Theater: Conversations with the top set, light and costume designers

Tekijä: Babak Ebrahimian

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
13-1,537,619 (5)-
If you are working in theater involved in set creation, lighting or costume design this book will inspire you to reach the heights of the masters as you learn how they succeeded. To move a world from text to stage requires unique and considered design. Sculpting Space in the Theater reveals the philosophy and process of the most influential set, costume and lighting designers working in theater today. The designers profiled in this book - all of whom have established a visible signature and particular design process - have had a remarkable impact in the field of theater design worldwide. Interviews, illustrated with photographs and working sketches, reveal the vision behind designs, and personal anecdotes reveal lessons learnt, providing a practical insight into how designers approach their work, and achieve the effects they want.… (lisätietoja)

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If you are working in theater involved in set creation, lighting or costume design this book will inspire you to reach the heights of the masters as you learn how they succeeded. To move a world from text to stage requires unique and considered design. Sculpting Space in the Theater reveals the philosophy and process of the most influential set, costume and lighting designers working in theater today. The designers profiled in this book - all of whom have established a visible signature and particular design process - have had a remarkable impact in the field of theater design worldwide. Interviews, illustrated with photographs and working sketches, reveal the vision behind designs, and personal anecdotes reveal lessons learnt, providing a practical insight into how designers approach their work, and achieve the effects they want.

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