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The Clarinet and Clarinet Playing

Tekijä: David Pino

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
56-470,233 (3.9)-
Expert advice from a distinguished performer, teacher, and composer makes this lively study of the clarinet essential reading for students and instructors as well as other music lovers. One of the most comprehensive books on the instrument, this richly varied study offers both practical tips and a fascinating overview of the clarinet's role in musical history. In his encyclopedic coverage of the instrument and the performer, the author provides suggestions about choosing and maintaining a mouthpiece; selection and care of the instrument; technique; tonguing and articulation. In addition, he established guidelines for the teaching of other clarinetists, making one's own reeds, and preparing for public performance, concluding with an intriguing look at the instrument's history and literature from ancient and medieval beginnings to modern times. Helpful appendixes include information on clarinet fingering, music, and sources for accessories. The Clarinet, Journal of the International Clarinet Society, hailed this volume as "a godsend … far and away the most valuable guide ever printed for the self-taught player; nor will it do less than provide support and encouragement for the competent teacher, performer, and student."… (lisätietoja)

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Expert advice from a distinguished performer, teacher, and composer makes this lively study of the clarinet essential reading for students and instructors as well as other music lovers. One of the most comprehensive books on the instrument, this richly varied study offers both practical tips and a fascinating overview of the clarinet's role in musical history. In his encyclopedic coverage of the instrument and the performer, the author provides suggestions about choosing and maintaining a mouthpiece; selection and care of the instrument; technique; tonguing and articulation. In addition, he established guidelines for the teaching of other clarinetists, making one's own reeds, and preparing for public performance, concluding with an intriguing look at the instrument's history and literature from ancient and medieval beginnings to modern times. Helpful appendixes include information on clarinet fingering, music, and sources for accessories. The Clarinet, Journal of the International Clarinet Society, hailed this volume as "a godsend … far and away the most valuable guide ever printed for the self-taught player; nor will it do less than provide support and encouragement for the competent teacher, performer, and student."

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