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JOINING THE DOTS - A Unauthorised Biography of Pravin Gordhan

Tekijä: Jonathan Ancer, Chris Whitfield

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PRAVIN GORDHAN has been at the centre of many of the political storms that have torn through South Africa's political landscape. He has been investigated by the Hawks, fired as finance minister, accused of running a 'rogue unit' at SARS and come up against the public protector, to name a few. Seasoned journalists Jonathan Ancer and Chris Whitfield take a magnifying glass to someone at the centre of this tumultuous period to try to understand the man behind the public image. They go back to Durban in 1949, when Gordhan was born, tracing the significant events and influences that shaped his life and prompted him to become involved in politics as a pharmacy student. The authors interview former fellow activists to build a picture of the role Gordhan played in the struggle, including his detention and torture. It was during this time that he worked closely with Jacob Zuma, the man who would become president and Gordhan's nemesis and, on the back of a bogus intelligence report, fire him as finance minister. The book examines why President Cyril Ramaphosa's right-hand man has been dragged into major controversies and made enemies such as public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane, Julius Malema and many of those associated with corruption. Joining the Dots is an in-depth, insightful, gripping and satisfying read about a man who found the courage to stand up to the dark forces of state capture.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatJaceN21

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PRAVIN GORDHAN has been at the centre of many of the political storms that have torn through South Africa's political landscape. He has been investigated by the Hawks, fired as finance minister, accused of running a 'rogue unit' at SARS and come up against the public protector, to name a few. Seasoned journalists Jonathan Ancer and Chris Whitfield take a magnifying glass to someone at the centre of this tumultuous period to try to understand the man behind the public image. They go back to Durban in 1949, when Gordhan was born, tracing the significant events and influences that shaped his life and prompted him to become involved in politics as a pharmacy student. The authors interview former fellow activists to build a picture of the role Gordhan played in the struggle, including his detention and torture. It was during this time that he worked closely with Jacob Zuma, the man who would become president and Gordhan's nemesis and, on the back of a bogus intelligence report, fire him as finance minister. The book examines why President Cyril Ramaphosa's right-hand man has been dragged into major controversies and made enemies such as public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane, Julius Malema and many of those associated with corruption. Joining the Dots is an in-depth, insightful, gripping and satisfying read about a man who found the courage to stand up to the dark forces of state capture.

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