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Blackwater Swamp: Blackwater Swamp (4.2)…

Blackwater Swamp: Blackwater Swamp (4.2) (vuoden 1995 painos)

Tekijä: Bill Wallace

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932294,382 (5)-
Having discovered the true nature of the old woman known as the Witch of Blackwater Swamp, fifth grader Ted must decide whether to come to her aid when she is accused of the thefts plaguing his small Louisiana town.
Teoksen nimi:Blackwater Swamp: Blackwater Swamp (4.2)
Kirjailijat:Bill Wallace
Info:Aladdin (1995), Paperback, 192 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Blackwater Swamp (tekijä: Bill Wallace)


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This story is about a boy named Ted who moved to Lakeview, Louisiana. He made two new friends. Don, who he has nothing in common with and Jimmy, who is shady. In the swamp near Ted's house was rumored to live a witch. Ted was curious and went to spy on her. Turns out the witch was a little old woman who lived in a shack by herself. She took care of hurt animals. Ted discovers that Jimmy and his family have been stealing from the community and has a plan to blame it all on the witch of Blackwater Swamp. Ted finds the courage to go warn the witch to save her from getting hurt.

Bill Wallace is one of my favorite authors. I have never heard of this story before. I liked the story very much. It talks about a boy who always has to make new friends on account of his father having to move from place to place to find work. I think that many children can relate to the troubles of that scenario. Through some of the trouble he finds himself in, he learns to be brave. I think that the story has a wonderful lesson for children to learn and to relate to.

This would be a good story to read to a classroom because of the suspense and adventure. More that likely, several of the students could relate to the main character. I think that this would be a good way to introduce them to one of my favorite authors. The purpose would be to encourage the students to check out some of bill Wallace's other stories. The students could also have a discussion about how starting rumors can hurt people. We could discuss about how everyone is unique in their own way and just because someone is different does not mean that they are bad. ( )
  slmturner | Oct 3, 2009 |
Having discovered the true nature of the old woman known as the Witch of Blackwater Swamp, fifth grader Ted must decide whether to come to her aid when she is accused of the thefts plaguing his small Louisiana town.
  lkmuir | Dec 7, 2015 |
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Having discovered the true nature of the old woman known as the Witch of Blackwater Swamp, fifth grader Ted must decide whether to come to her aid when she is accused of the thefts plaguing his small Louisiana town.

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