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The Squatland Chronicles: Book 2 - Elwin and the Haunted Bridge (The Squatland Chronicles, 2)

Tekijä: Bob Johnson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
      Prince Elwin goes on another quest in command of two new recruits. As they travel toward the Haunted Bridge they become lost in the mountains.       Meanwhile, Filo the Fixer and his companion Buddie the Wortdog work to create a powered wagon, using the power of the great crystal in a smaller form.       Elwin and his patrol meet a caravan on a lonely road. This caravan is traveling back home to Wind City after a trading trip. Elwin meets Ruckles Bisque and driver and his niece Lady Skylene. The caravan is attacked by a band of creatures called mudslingers. These creatures like to throw mudballs at caravans, to try to get them dirty. The creatures are driven off by one of the new recruites, who hits the mudballs back at the mudslingers. Elwin and his companions travel to the bridge, and overcome the old man, who disappears mysteriously, leaving in his place, all of the treasure that he has taken from past travelers. How can Elwin get this treasure to Squatland, so he can return the treasure to its rightful owners? Filo the Fixer arrives in the powered wagin and transports all to Squatland.… (lisätietoja)
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      Prince Elwin goes on another quest in command of two new recruits. As they travel toward the Haunted Bridge they become lost in the mountains.       Meanwhile, Filo the Fixer and his companion Buddie the Wortdog work to create a powered wagon, using the power of the great crystal in a smaller form.       Elwin and his patrol meet a caravan on a lonely road. This caravan is traveling back home to Wind City after a trading trip. Elwin meets Ruckles Bisque and driver and his niece Lady Skylene. The caravan is attacked by a band of creatures called mudslingers. These creatures like to throw mudballs at caravans, to try to get them dirty. The creatures are driven off by one of the new recruites, who hits the mudballs back at the mudslingers. Elwin and his companions travel to the bridge, and overcome the old man, who disappears mysteriously, leaving in his place, all of the treasure that he has taken from past travelers. How can Elwin get this treasure to Squatland, so he can return the treasure to its rightful owners? Filo the Fixer arrives in the powered wagin and transports all to Squatland.

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