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Parable Church: How the Teachings of Jesus Shape the Culture of Our Faith

Tekijä: Mike Burnette

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Christ never actually told us how to "do church." So why is much of our time and energy as leaders and shepherds consumed with chasing after tips, tricks, and secrets to "grow" churches, hoping that they somehow also reach and maintain spiritual health Although Jesus never gave us directions for church, through his parables he creatively revealed what we should experience in our communities together--he revealed the culture of his kingdom. In Parable Church, pastor and author Mike Burnette unpacks unique insights from Jesus' parables that can help us to understand and experience the full, transformative life in community we are divinely intended to live. While we've tended to focus boundless energy on growing our churches through strategies, programs, and metric-based insights, Christ always focused on the heart and the values of the Father, the values that actually change lives. Parable Church weaves together personal narratives, unique cultural observations, and compellingly fresh biblical insights to paint a picture of something unimaginably greater than what most people think of when they think of Jesus or his Church.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatTBN-SBC, TBN-UCTM, TBNBCI, TBN-UBS, dagwod, TBN7, ChrisFoster

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Christ never actually told us how to "do church." So why is much of our time and energy as leaders and shepherds consumed with chasing after tips, tricks, and secrets to "grow" churches, hoping that they somehow also reach and maintain spiritual health Although Jesus never gave us directions for church, through his parables he creatively revealed what we should experience in our communities together--he revealed the culture of his kingdom. In Parable Church, pastor and author Mike Burnette unpacks unique insights from Jesus' parables that can help us to understand and experience the full, transformative life in community we are divinely intended to live. While we've tended to focus boundless energy on growing our churches through strategies, programs, and metric-based insights, Christ always focused on the heart and the values of the Father, the values that actually change lives. Parable Church weaves together personal narratives, unique cultural observations, and compellingly fresh biblical insights to paint a picture of something unimaginably greater than what most people think of when they think of Jesus or his Church.

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