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Brothers of the Wind (Osten Ard Histories…

Brothers of the Wind (Osten Ard Histories #1) (vuoden 2021 painos)

Tekijä: Tad Williams (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Osten Ard (00)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1653170,817 (3.95)16
Two princes of the immortal Sithi-beloved Hakatri and mercurial Ineluki-are bound by pride and love in their quest to slay the greatest of the monstrous dragons, as Ineluki has vowed to do, this traps Hakatri in a never-ending cycle of indescribable pain and prophetic dreams, while Ineluki is destroyed by guilt and self-hatred for his role in his brother's agony.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Brothers of the Wind (Osten Ard Histories #1)
Kirjailijat:Tad Williams (Tekijä)
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Brothers of the Wind (tekijä: Tad Williams)


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» Katso myös 16 mainintaa

näyttää 3/3
What strikes me very much in this book is that the argument between the brothers regarding the humans (who have been moving to the elves' lands and threaten to displace them) read very much like those Native Americans could have had about invading white people in a historical fiction setting. And then there is Kes, the squire, who knows nothing about his own people, not even their language, and who is made aware of this during the long travels with his lord after the dragonfight. He calls him master, and it is a disturbing relationship, because it often looks like the one between a slave and his owner. I can't say if this is the author's intention or if it is the result of growing awareness of such themes among readers. ( )
  MissWatson | Feb 3, 2023 |
This book will very much fill the bill for any Osten Ard lovers out there and fills in some of the gaps for the history of the Zida'ya early in the coming of men. Like "The Heart of What Was Lost" this is a short novel that gives deeper backstory to important characters in the newer series. Hakatri"s resurrection at the end of "Empire of Grass" left me wanting to know more about him. This book also gives more insight into his brother Ineluki, the future Storm King. ( )
  Gkarlives | Mar 19, 2022 |
This is a great book for anyone who's read the first Osten Ard trilogy, or is reading the new trilogy. There is some great background on the Sithi and the Norns in this one. As always, the characters and the setting are the true star of this book. Osten Ard is painstakingly detailed and rich and it all comes out in this book. Well written, I did not want to put it down. Really great fantasy. ( )
1 ääni Karlstar | Nov 12, 2021 |
näyttää 3/3
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Two princes of the immortal Sithi-beloved Hakatri and mercurial Ineluki-are bound by pride and love in their quest to slay the greatest of the monstrous dragons, as Ineluki has vowed to do, this traps Hakatri in a never-ending cycle of indescribable pain and prophetic dreams, while Ineluki is destroyed by guilt and self-hatred for his role in his brother's agony.

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3 4
3.5 2
4 8
4.5 2
5 3

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