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Surviving a Startup: Practical Strategies for Starting a Business, Overcoming Obstacles, and Coming Out on Top

Tekijä: Steven S. Hoffman

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The CEO of Founders Space, one of the world's leading startup incubators and accelerators, prepares entrepreneurs to avoid disastrous mistakes, surmount sizable obstacles, and master the skills necessary to make the right choices along their path to success. The fact is, over 90 percent of all new startups fail. Every entrepreneur must face this harsh reality and learn to master it if they hope to survive and wind up on top. In Surviving a Startup, Steve Hoffman, the CEO of Founders Space, brings readers on a wild ride, sharing with them the tumultuous journey of launching a venture-funded startup and revealing what it takes to make it. This one-of-a-kind guide:  Provides deep analysis and insights into the major challenges every entrepreneur faces when launching a business. Prepares entrepreneurs to make the best possible decisions and deal with crisis situations. Illuminates strategies for raising capital and growing a business, even when it seems impossible. Divulges secrets on how to manage difficult employees, demonstrate leadership, and overcome disasters. Describes the essential traits that enable startup founders to survive and succeed. Reveals the best way to develop innovative products, conduct guerilla marketing campaigns, obtain PR, and outmaneuver competitors. Shows how to recruit the best talent, even with no money, manage highly efficient teams, and motivate employees to go above and beyond their assigned responsibilities. Lays out the steps necessary to take a fledgling idea and transform it into a robust, rapidly growing business that has the potential to become the next multimillion-dollar acquisition or IPO. As the captain of one of the world's leading startup incubators and accelerators, Steve knows what it's like to be on the front lines, how tough it can get when the battle turns against the entrepreneur, and what it takes to taste victory and overcome seemingly impossible odds.… (lisätietoja)
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The CEO of Founders Space, one of the world's leading startup incubators and accelerators, prepares entrepreneurs to avoid disastrous mistakes, surmount sizable obstacles, and master the skills necessary to make the right choices along their path to success. The fact is, over 90 percent of all new startups fail. Every entrepreneur must face this harsh reality and learn to master it if they hope to survive and wind up on top. In Surviving a Startup, Steve Hoffman, the CEO of Founders Space, brings readers on a wild ride, sharing with them the tumultuous journey of launching a venture-funded startup and revealing what it takes to make it. This one-of-a-kind guide:  Provides deep analysis and insights into the major challenges every entrepreneur faces when launching a business. Prepares entrepreneurs to make the best possible decisions and deal with crisis situations. Illuminates strategies for raising capital and growing a business, even when it seems impossible. Divulges secrets on how to manage difficult employees, demonstrate leadership, and overcome disasters. Describes the essential traits that enable startup founders to survive and succeed. Reveals the best way to develop innovative products, conduct guerilla marketing campaigns, obtain PR, and outmaneuver competitors. Shows how to recruit the best talent, even with no money, manage highly efficient teams, and motivate employees to go above and beyond their assigned responsibilities. Lays out the steps necessary to take a fledgling idea and transform it into a robust, rapidly growing business that has the potential to become the next multimillion-dollar acquisition or IPO. As the captain of one of the world's leading startup incubators and accelerators, Steve knows what it's like to be on the front lines, how tough it can get when the battle turns against the entrepreneur, and what it takes to taste victory and overcome seemingly impossible odds.

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