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The Witch's Art of Incantation: Spoken Charms, Spells, & Curses in Folk Witchcraft

Tekijä: Roger J. Horne

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21-1,084,182 (5)-
In this new and expanded edition, including 180 individual incantations rooted in the lore and age-old texts of previous centuries, The Witch's Art of Incantation reveals the often-overlooked diversity of the incantatory arts: charms that beckon, charms that command, charms that poison, charms that bless and heal, charms that remember, charms that terrify, charms that praise and exalt. Because each charm is accompanied by an approximate date, region, and associated source text, student witches will sharpen their knowledge of folkloric texts while engaging with these rich and potent spells. The practical methods provided in the introduction, though seemingly simple, outline rarely discussed methods of incantation, including the construction of the magical listener and pairings with sympathetic and contagious ritual acts. New to this edition is a chapter devoted to heretical psalmistry as a branch of the witch's incantatory arts, including both a collection of practical psalms and a complete index of the magical uses of the psalms.… (lisätietoja)

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In this new and expanded edition, including 180 individual incantations rooted in the lore and age-old texts of previous centuries, The Witch's Art of Incantation reveals the often-overlooked diversity of the incantatory arts: charms that beckon, charms that command, charms that poison, charms that bless and heal, charms that remember, charms that terrify, charms that praise and exalt. Because each charm is accompanied by an approximate date, region, and associated source text, student witches will sharpen their knowledge of folkloric texts while engaging with these rich and potent spells. The practical methods provided in the introduction, though seemingly simple, outline rarely discussed methods of incantation, including the construction of the magical listener and pairings with sympathetic and contagious ritual acts. New to this edition is a chapter devoted to heretical psalmistry as a branch of the witch's incantatory arts, including both a collection of practical psalms and a complete index of the magical uses of the psalms.

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